Goal: improve high school graduation and college enrollment rates for low- income students. The scholarship offers an early promise of financial aid to qualifying 7th and 8th graders. Students pledge to work hard in school, stay out of legal trouble, and successfully apply to a higher education institution when they graduate. Eligibility requirements are: Student is eligible for free or reduced-price lunch (FRPL), receives basic food/TANF, or meets the income standard. Student was in foster care. Two groups work together to help students enroll in the College Bound Scholarship program. The Washington Student Achievement Council administers the program and the College Success Foundation (CSF) manages the scholarship's outreach efforts.Washington Student Achievement CouncilCollege Success Foundation C OLLEGE B OUND S CHOLARSHIP
Each region has a College Bound regional officer to work with districts and schools to: Middle School -- Design and implement CBS school-based outreach and support strategies to promote College Bound signups and increase college-going culture in schools. High School -- Help schools utilize the College Bound Scholarship to champion college readiness in high schools. Provide FAFSA completion strategies, including event promotion. Train and partner with middle and high schools on building systems to support College Bound students throughout the pipeline. H OW D OES O UTREACH W ORK ?
Trainings and workgroup sessions with middle- and high-school staff and community-based organizations regarding building a college-going culture, the College Bound Scholarship program, middle-to-high-school transition, and the financial aid and FAFSA process. Assistance, tools and strategies to develop effective and sustainable College Bound Scholarship outreach/support systems. Support for the implementation of district-wide College Bound Scholarship events in coordination with districts and community-based organizations. Partnerships to strengthen the capacity of community to serve College Bound Scholarship students. Regular updates to school and community partners that communicate best practices and new information. W E CAN PROVIDE
Growth in the College Bound Scholarship Program 2007 to 2013 Cohort: Total All Years Expected High School Graduation Year *2018** Eligible Students by Income 28,09328,60029,85630,54931,92336,39436,208221,623 Total College Bound Scholarship Applicants 15,94716,07020,90323,30725,16630,87718,908151,178 % of Total Eligible Students 57%56%70%76%79%85%*52%68% * Currently showing submitted application numbers. Completed enrollment numbers not finalized until September **Enrollment still open until June 30, Scholarship data based on WSAC data, July 3, C OLLEGE B OUND G ROWTH We can provide College Bound data specific to your district.
Note: These percentages reflect submitted applications, not completed applications, and will decrease slightly before being finalized in September Data compiled July 7, C OLLEGE B OUND P LEDGES Across Washington, students have pledged to be College Bound.
4,870 Estimated Eligible Students 4,967 * Eligibility rates for each cohort of students represents the number of students who qualify for FRPL during the fall quarter of their seventh grade year. --Completion means that a student has a “complete” application (student/parent signature is included, one or more of the income standards is checked). Percent of Enrolled Eligible Students, by School District: Class of 2017 (as of June 2013) and Class of 2018 (deadline: June 2014) (All Signups Must Happen by June 30 of Eighth-Grade Year) 1,222 3,126 3,648 1,841 Data as of 8/5/2013
Percent of Enrolled Eligible Students, by School District: Class of 2017 (as of June 2013) and Class of 2018 (deadline: June 2014) (All Signups Must Happen by June 30 of Eighth-Grade Year) Eligibility rates for each cohort of students represents the number of students who qualify for FRPL during the fall quarter of their seventh grade year. Enrolled means that a student has a complete application (student/parent signature is included, one or more of the income standards is checked). ** In certain cases, rates might exceed 100% because more income eligible students sign up by the end of the eighth grade. When rates exceed 100%, we have recoded data to 100%. Enrolled Remaining Enrolled Remaining Number of Enrolled and Remaining Students Per Year Data as of 8/5/2013
Percent of Enrolled Eligible Students, by School District: Class of 2017 (as of June 2013) and Class of 2018 (deadline: June 2014) (All Signups Must Happen by June 30 of Eighth-Grade Year) Eligibility rates for each cohort of students represents the number of students who qualify for FRPL during the fall quarter of their seventh grade year. Enrolled means that a student has a complete application (student/parent signature is included, one or more of the income standards is checked). ** In certain cases, rates might exceed 100% because more income eligible students sign up by the end of the eighth grade. When rates exceed 100%, we have recoded data to 100%. Enrolled Remaining Enrolled Remaining Number of Enrolled and Remaining Students Per Year Data as of 8/5/2013
Eligibility rates for each cohort of students represents the number of students who qualify for FRPL during the fall quarter of their seventh grade year. Enrolled means that a student has a complete application (student/parent signature is included, one or more of the income standards is checked). Index and Shaw Island School Districts have reported 0 eligible students for this cohort in both years. ** In certain cases, rates might exceed 100% because more income eligible students sign up by the end of the eighth grade. When rates exceed 100%, we have recoded data to 100%. Percent of Enrolled Eligible Students, by School District: Class of 2017 (as of June 2013) and Class of 2018 (deadline: June 2014) (All Signups Must Happen by June 30 of Eighth-Grade Year) Enrolled Remaining Enrolled Remaining Number of Enrolled and Remaining Students Per Year Data as of 8/5/2013