Presented by Julienne DeGeyter P4A Treasurer
$50,000 towards the Benvenuti Performing Arts Center New Instruments for the music program Risers for the Blackbox Theater 2 nd Set of textbooks LCD Projectors and Sound Equipment
Kirsten Spall was awarded $ for five Chromebooks for Education Bundles.
The middle school math department was granted $150 for a one year subscription to Mathalicious $ was granted for Movie Licensing for the whole school.
Gary Wong was awarded $ for 80 copies of the novel Woman in the Dunes by Kobo Abe for his 10 th grade World Literature English classes.
Chelsea Greninger was granted $ for five Brent Model Potter’s Wheels for Visual Arts Student use in Sculpture, Art Preview, Art 7 and the Clay Club.
BBQ Talent Showcase Income 3, Expense Total BBQ Talent Showcase 2, Crabfeed Income 35, Expense -14, Total Crabfeed 21,000.00
Mrs. Field Cookie Fundraiser Income 10, Expense -6, Total Mrs. Field Cookie Fundraiser 3,500.00
Budget Direct Public Support$ Interest$10.00 Other Types of Income$ Logo Items$ Script-Safeway$75.00 Pencil Machine$25.00 Teacher Fund (Raffles at Meetings)$ BBQ Talent Showcase$ Crabfeed$21, Mrs. Fields Cookies Fundraiser$ Total$30,955.00
Awards and Grants $7, PAYSCHOOL $50.00 Business Registration Fees $35.00 Taxes - Not UBIT $ Accounting Fees $5, Legal Fees $1, Outside Contract Services $1, Facilities and Equipment $ Operations $1, Postage, Mailing Service $ Printing and Copying $500.00
Supplies $ Hospitality $ Teacher Welcome Back $3, Orientation For New Students $ Insurance - Liability, D and O $ Other Costs $ Teacher Fund $ Fund a Need $4, Eighth Grade Promotion $1, Senior Class Graduation Activities $1, Total $30,889.00
Special thanks to Joe Julio, CPA, for his quickbooks review and expertise to get us ready for our accountant to file our taxes Our books are with the accountant for tax preparation Look for another financial presentation in the Spring when we will discuss our overall financial situation