Mathematics in art Author: Hanna Smach IIIa
Architecture Mathematics provides a solid foundations of every building.
Pyramids in Giza (Egypt) - pyramid-shaped structures on a square plan. They were built about 2560 years B.C.
Castle in Bytów (Poland) - the Teutonic Knights castle was built at the beginning of the fifteenth century on a rectangular plan with one square and 3 round towers in the corners of building. cone
Hagia Sophia in Istanbul (Turkey) – a temple built in the sixth century, over the central part of a building there is a dome which is based on four pillars and 107 columns. These columns create circle which is the base of the dome. hemispherical dome
Painting „Composition 8” by Wassily Kandinsky
Cubizm Direction in the art in the twentieth century. It consists in geometric simplification of the elements of the composition.
Melancholy I – copperplate by Albrecht Dürer. The most interesting thing is a magic square. Sum of the numbers in each column and each row is the same (34). Moreover, the number of 34 can be obtained by adding numbers in the corners. magic square
Sculpture Miguel Angel Velit „Mathematical Sculpture"
Möbius Strip This figure which has only one edge has been used by a few sculptors. Robert Wilson „Möbius Strip”, Fermilab (USA) Max Bill „Endless Ribbon”, Sculpture Garden at the Museum of Art in Baltimore (USA)
Music Fractions are music notes (for example half note, quarter note, eighth note). Beat of music is also expressed in fractions.
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