Gerar Genesis 21:1-5 God visits Sarah, she conceives and bears a son as promised. Click for next slide
Gerar Genesis 21:1-5 He is named Isaac and circumcised the eighth day. Click for next slide
Gerar Genesis 21:1-5 Abraham is 100 years old. Click for next slide
Gerar Genesis 21:9-10 Ishmael mocks Isaac and Sarah sees it Click for next slide
Gerar Genesis 21:9-10 She complains to Abraham, and desires to have him cast out. Click for next slide
Gerar Genesis 21:11-12 Abraham is grieved. Click for next slide
Gerar Genesis 21:11-13 God commands it, because Isaac shall be his seed. Click for next slide
Gerar Genesis 21:14-21 Abraham sends Hagar and her son away. Click for next slide
Gerar Genesis 21:14-21 They wander in the wilderness and are about to perish for want of water. Click for next slide
Gerar Genesis 21:14-21 God calls to her and repeats his promise to Ishmael. Click for next slide
Gerar Genesis 21:14-21 God opens her eyes, and she sees a well. Click for next slide
Gerar Genesis 21:14-21 They dwell there, and Ishmael is an archer. Click for next slide
Gerar Genesis 21:14-21 Ishmael marries an Egyptian. Click for next slide
Gerar Genesis 21:22-34 Abimelech desires a covenant with Abraham. Click for next slide
Gerar Genesis 21:22-34 Abraham reproves Abimelech because his servants took a well from him. Click for next slide
Gerar Genesis 21:22-34 Abimelech pleads his ignorance. Both of them make a covenant. Click for next slide
Gerar Genesis 21:22-34 Abraham goes to Beersheba, plants a grove, and calls on the name of Lord. Beersheba Click for next slide
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