“SUB-2-SUB” Self-Organizing Collaborative Content-based Pub/Sub Spyros Voulgaris, Etienne Rivière, Anne-Marie Kermarrec, Maarten van Steen
2/18 Publish/Subscribe What are pub/sub systems? Subscribers register their interest Publishers issue events An event is delivered to all interested subscribers, and no others Here: Content-based Pub/Sub Range subscriptions on multiple numeric attributes.
3/18 Current systems: Centralized servers (e.g., Tibco) Broker-based (e.g., Siena) Servers become a bottleneck/single point of failure network size increases node churn increases more events are published Triggered interest in decentralized P2P solutions Current solutions
4/18 What kind of P2P system is suitable? Most research has focused on Structured P2P (DHTs) Map attribute to peer Peers handling popular attributes get overloaded Map (attribute,value) to peer Can lead to explosion of registrations for range subscriptions Meghdoot, based on CAN DHT, supports ranges too We show how Unstructured P2P can give a simple and efficient solution, supporting ranges Interest in P2P solutions
5/18 Sub-2-Sub: System Model Assume N attributes (real numbers) A 1, A 2, …, A N Subscriptions are range (trivially exact) predicates on one or more attributes E.g. A 2 ==3.07 && (2.5< A 4 <4.7) One subscription per peer Events define exact values for all attributes E.g. {A 1,A 2,A 3,A 4 } = {3, 0, 7, 10.5} The set of all possible events define the event space It’s an N-dimensional, continuous space
6/18 Sub-2-Sub: Key Concept “Partition event space in homogeneous subspaces” (homogeneous subspace: all its events have the same subscribers)
7/18 Sub-2-Sub: Operation 1. Let subscribers of “near” subspaces discover each other 2. Organize subscribers of the each subspace in a ring 3. To publish an event, navigate to the target subspace, and hand the event to any one subscriber Event reaches all and only interested subscribers, autonomously!
8/18 How do we build Sub-2-Sub? How do we… Q1: …maintain connectivity in the face of churn / failures? Q2: …form links between related subscribers? Q3: …organize subscribers within a subspace in a ring? Each node 3 sets of links to other nodes Managed by 3 gossiping protocols
9/18 We use the CYCLON gossiping protocol [S. Voulgaris, D. Gavidia, M. van Steen. Journal of Network and Systems Management, Vol. 13, No. 2, June 2005] Nodes maintain a few links to other nodes Periodically a node gossips to exchange some links CYCLON overlays have shown to: Resemble random graphs Be extremely robust to failures / churn Fast adaptive to network changes Q1: Maintaining connectivity
10/18 We need some notion of distance In this case we use the Euclidean distance between two subscriptions Note: Distance 0 denotes overlap Nodes gossip similarly to CYCLON, but keep neighbors of minimum distance “VICINITY” protocol [S. Voulgaris, M. van Steen. EuroPar 2005] Why not run VICINITY alone (without CYCLON)? The network would fall apart in no time! Q2: Forming links (related subscr.)
11/18 We run VICINITY again, with another distance metric. Please refer to the paper! Q3: Organizing subscribers in rings
12/18 Sub-2-Sub: To recap Random subscribers (CYCLON) Overlapping subscr. (VICINITY) Ring links (VICINITY)
13/18 Performance Evaluation Simulated experiment: 10K nodes 3 attributes For each attribute: Power-law (1/x^3) value popularity Uniformly random range widths Evaluation criteria How fast the network self-organizes How fast publishers reach target subspace How fast events are disseminated
14/18 Self-organization evolution Each bar corresponds to 10,000 random events
15/18 Hops to reach target subspace # publishers
16/18 Hops for Event Dissemination # subscribers in subspace hops to complete dissemination
17/18 Summary Showed that Unstructured P2P can build overlays for apps as complex as pub/sub Sub-2-Sub Accurate All and only interested nodes receive event Autonomous, Self-contained No need for extra devices Collaborative Self-organized Very scalable
18/18 Questions?
19/18 Ring sizes