Team Rex Dinh Thi Kim Hang Voo Sze Chun Alvin Lee Wan Li Shereen Kristin Geetha Samivelu Goh Jia Qing
Game Industry Patent no Title: Initial D The present invention relates generally to games, and more specifically to an apparatus and method for a racing game wherein a player attempts to complete a target number of laps and/or to accumulate a winning point value, and wherein general play and outcome are governed by events having substantially pre-determined odds of outcome, including movement directed by essentially random number generation leading to direct and indirect action commands and controls via track position and cards and resulting player interaction.
Introduction Initial D Arcade Stage is a racing game series developed by Sega Rosso, a division of Sega, based on the anime and manga Initial D. The games are known as simply "Initial D" in the gameSegaanimemangaInitial D In Initial D Arcade Stage players race against different opponents in various mountain passes featured in the manga. Players can choose what car and the customization he wants and save the these data and game progress into a magnetic card system that players can buy. From this way after every game the progress can be saved rather than lost. The player can also save his progress on one card and continue on another Initial D cabinet using that card. However, the card must be renewed every 50 plays.
Commercialisation PC, PSP, arcade Movie, Anime, Cartoon, Music Soundtrack Initial D themed stickers, car decals, car expo, merchandise Car Racing based on the theme – similar to mountain racing style Drifting lessons; Simulated Driving lessons Production of Initial D cars Further versions of the arcade game
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