EANUCC - The Global Language of Business RFID / EPC ECR Europe National Initiatives - Handout -
EANUCC - The Global Language of Business Potentials and Challenges
EANUCC - The Global Language of Business RFID / EPC in the supply chain supplier of raw materials stock issue transport retail warehouse goods receipt picking stock issue manufacturer production control stock issue goods receipt picking transport outlet goods receipt shelf management goods assurance check-out purchase management consumer payment systems exchange / guarantee handling traceability Theft prevention
EANUCC - The Global Language of Business Expected effects of RFID è less transaction costs è faster goods handling through Bulk gathering è Increased transparency (data and goods flow) è Increased delivery accuracy è improved traceability è online asset control (=>reduction of out of stock situation) è more efficient and continuos goods assurance (=>reduction of theft) è simplification of reclamation / exchange è higher customer satisfaction Amongst other things: Store Check Out Production with integrated RFID Tagging Goods issue / stock receipt Transport Shelf Management Distribution Center Production Cross Docking Source: Auto-ID-Center
EANUCC - The Global Language of Business Possible benefit theft reduction decrease of personnel costs decrease of inventory costs asset reduction better use of allowance shorter time of delivery higher inventory turnover time higher accuracy prevention of out-of-stock situations reduction of transcriptions customer loyalty more flexible assortement Application area tracking routing goods movement controls inventory processes redistribution goods receipt register handling return shipment anti-theft device marketing control additional information Effect reduced costs increased turnover Expected effects of RFID
EANUCC - The Global Language of Business Wherein are the challenges? technology costs consumer privacy process adoptions standardisation Challenges / problems implementation guidelines environmental protection (consumer healthcare) training & personalcritical mass infrastructure migration
EANUCC - The Global Language of Business International Framework (Extract)
EANUCC - The Global Language of Business International Framework International Framework Extract Auto ID Labs GCI EPC Work Group EAN UCC ECR Europe ECR D-A-CH National Initiatives EAN West RFID-Project European Adaption Program GSMP EPC Global incl. various Working Groups
EANUCC - The Global Language of Business EPCglobal
EPCglobal Board Operating Committee EANUCC Board User Action Group Technical Steering Committee Software Action Group Hardware Action Group Auto-ID Labs EPCglobal Organisationsstruktur Develop Use Cases Business requirements Suggest New Technologies
EANUCC - The Global Language of Business D-A-CH activities
EANUCC - The Global Language of Business CCG key project RFID / EPC EPC in Germany (supported by members of "EPC- foundation initiative") - administration - information, marketing - development - consulting / user support West EAN WEST- development ECR Europe- harmonisation European Adaption Program- representation of nationa/european interest Global EPC Global (UAGs)- development GSMP- harmonisation GCI- representation of nationa/european interest
EANUCC - The Global Language of Business Technology Key issues of the CCG project RFID / EPC StandardisationProcesses Consulting / Distribution EPC Administration Marketing
EANUCC - The Global Language of Business CCG project team RFID / EPC Jürgen Schade (project leaderschip) Dr. Andreas Füßler (project coordination) Rudolf Behrens Tania Popova Thomas Hauke Jörg Pretzel Ilka Machemer Craig Alan Repec Markus Malejka Katrin Springob Markus Moritz Klaus Vogell
EANUCC - The Global Language of Business Involvement User group RFID / EPC CCG steering groups User group RFID / EPC technology and processes (CCG, ECR D-A-CH, NDWK) joint working platform Action group theft prevention Action group processes cases... ECR D-A-CH steering committee
EANUCC - The Global Language of Business EPC service packages of CCG Service package 1: Informational Membership, e.g. q free and exclusive information event on EPC every year q access to a national password protected homepage q discount on CCG services and events Service package 2: EPCglobal Membership, e.g. q registration as member of EPCglobal q access to international EPCglobal working groups q using of licensed components of the EPC system q access to EPC hard- and software specifications (Savant, PML)
EANUCC - The Global Language of Business Key aspects of activity Consumer privacy Consumer privacy Processes EPC pilots EPC pilots Subject Products MIP Process description MIP - short term Theft prevention Theft prevention - long term EPC specification RecommendationBest practise examples RegulationsRecommendation
EANUCC - The Global Language of Business Approach q Selection of 2 or 3 process scenarios q Consideration of different m logistic units m assortments q Definition of technical conditions as frame work m EPC (using SGTIN, SSCC, etc.) m frequency m range q Description of selective processes Insight: processes
EANUCC - The Global Language of Business Deliveries q Description of the selective process chain q Description of data change q Definition information profiles q Deduction of requirements to data management and IT systems q Deduction of requirements to advance the EPC tag data concept and EPC Information System è Documentation of working results as recommendation Insight: processes
EANUCC - The Global Language of Business Insight: processes process scenario I Production Consumer Cross-Docking Process chain - downstream - Logsitic level Assortment TextileDryFresh Frozen Beverages Pallets Cases Items Pallets GI GR GI SM GR= Goods receipt GI = Goods issue IM = Inventory Management SM = Shelf Management GR GI SM RAISSCC DC retailer Outlet GI IM
EANUCC - The Global Language of Business q GCI EPC Work Group m active member since July 2003 m next step: participation at GCI EPC work group meeting on the March 2004 q EPCglobal m CCG is working in different User Action Groups l EPC Tag Data Standard l EPC Data Exchange l Pilots and Implementation l European Adoption Program(see below) m next step: participation at the EPC summit on March 2004 Status and next steps q European Adoption Group m project sponsorship together with e-Center, UK m commitment on issues and plans for 2004 on 11. February 2004
EANUCC - The Global Language of Business q CCG / ECR D-A-CH m project leadership for ECR D-A-CH m next step: commitment on working plan and milestones on the 03. March 2004 Working Groups D-A-CH - Coordination Group (D-A-CH) - RFID Secundary Packaging ( A ) - RFID Tertiary Packaging (G ) - Theft Production q ECR Europe m lead for ECR Europe through ECR D-A-CH project to analyse process modification through RFID Status and next steps q EAN West RFID Project m project sponsorship together with e-Centre, UK m West EPC harmonisation l administration l services l pricing
EANUCC - The Global Language of Business Overview of Challenges for ECR Initiatives
EANUCC - The Global Language of Business Supply Chain, e.g. q Release of existing ECR recommendations q Gap-Analysis q Describing RFID processes in context Challenges for ECR Initiatives Production with integrated RFID Tagging Production Goods issue / stock receipt è Vendor Managed Inventory è Buyer Managed Inventory è Cross Docking è Unit Loads è Pallets è Returnable assets è Cases è....
EANUCC - The Global Language of Business Infrastructure of q manufacturer production lines q warehouse modification (e.g. stock receipt area, shelf, fork lift) q outlet modification (e.g. shelf, stock receipt, check out, shopping cart q truck modification (e.g. RFID reader) Challenges for ECR Initiatives
EANUCC - The Global Language of Business q Point up the benefits for users q Preparing the ECR Initiatives for the requirements of the future market q Developing migration models and recommendations m step 1: e.g. from barcode to barcode and RFID tag m step 2: e.g. from barcode to RFID tag m step 3: e.g. from nothing to RFID tag m... Challenges for ECR Initiatives
EANUCC - The Global Language of Business Wherein are the challenges? technology costs consumer privacy process adoptions standardisation Challenges / problems implementation guidelines environmental protection (consumer healthcare) training & personalcritical mass infrastructure migration è Define further attention to tackle these challenges and to support standard bodies