Review of Greek and Latin Roots 1-10 Test Tomorrow, August 17 th, 2010
Directions for Numbers One through Ten: For each of the following roots, write ONLY the definition. (Do not copy the root.)
1.ambi 4.alb 5.amphi 6.agr 7.acr 9.alter 10.alg
1.ambi: both/around harsh/sharp/bitter act/do/impel 4.alb: white 5.amphi: both/around 6.agr: field 7.acr: harsh/sharp/bitter to lvoe 9.alter: other 10.alg: pain
Directions for Numbers Eleven through Fifteen: As you read the following statements, look for clues related to the roots we’ve studied and try to predict which root will be used. Then examine the multiple-choice answers to find the word that utilizes that root.
11. Any small, non-acid soluble (i.e. non- carbonate, non-siliceous) organic structure that cannot otherwise be accounted for is classified as an __________. a)acritarch b)alginate c)amphiolitic d)albuminuria
11. Any small, non-acid soluble (i.e. non- carbonate, non-siliceous) organic structure that cannot otherwise be accounted for is classified as an __________. a)acritarch b)alginate c)amphiolitic d)albuminuria
12. ____________ is an increased sensitivity to pain, which may be caused by damage to nociceptors or peripheral nerves. a)acetification b)agrestalization c)hyperalgesia d)disambiguation
12. ____________ is an increased sensitivity to pain, which may be caused by damage to nociceptors or peripheral nerves. a)acetification b)agrestalization c)hyperalgesia d)disambiguation
13. A movement for equitable distribution of land and for land-ownership reform is known as ______. a)albinoticism b)agrarianism c)ovalbuminism d)agentivism
13. A movement for equitable distribution of land and for land-ownership reform is known as ______. a)albinoticism b)agrarianism c)ovalbuminism d)agentivism
14. ____________ is a pathological condition wherein a certain protein is present in the urine, causing it to turn white. a)acuasia b)agrestuasia c)proambilesia d)albuminuria
14. ____________ is a pathological condition wherein a certain protein is present in the urine, causing it to turn white. a)acuasia b)agrestuasia c)proambilesia d)albuminuria
15. To be __________ etymologically is “to go around” shaking hands to obtain votes for political office. a)ambitious b)acritarchical c)enamored d)agentive
15. To be __________ etymologically is “to go around” shaking hands to obtain votes for political office. a)ambitious b)acritarchical c)enamored d)agentive
Directions for Numbers Sixteen through Twenty-Five: Read each of the following words, then write down the root we’ve studied that it contains and its definition.
16.Amiable 17.Amphidiploids 18.Acuate 19.Agentive 20.Albinotic 21.Amphiolitic 22.Ambiguating 23.Agrestal 24.Ovalbumin 25.Innamorati
16.Amiable: am—to love 17.Amphidiploids: amphi—both, around 18.Acuate: ac—harsh, sharp, bitter 19.Agentive: ag—to act, do, impel 20.Albinotic: alb—white 21.Amphiolitic: amphi— both, around 22.Ambiguating: ambi— both, around 23.Agrestal: agr—field 24.Ovalbumin: alb— white 25.Innamorati: am—to love
Directions for Numbers Twenty-Six through Thirty-Five: For each of the following definitions, write the correct root. (Don’t repeat any root.)
26.white 27.other 28.harsh 29.field 31.bitter 32.around love 34.both 35.pain
26.White—alb 27.Other—alter 28.Harsh—ac or acr 29.Field—agr 30.Do—ag 31.Bitter—ac or acr 32.Around—ambi or amphi 33.To love—am 34.Both—ambi or amphi 35.Pain—alg