Welcome and Introductions District Departments ONLY Outcomes
7 Core Policies Seven Core Policies 1. A Focus on College and Career Ready Students 2. The Priority Shifts in Professional Development 3. The Purposes of the Professional Development System 4. The Capacities Employed in the Professional Development System 5. The Deliverables of the Professional Development System 6. The Evaluation Practices of the Professional Development System 7. The Role of the Master Inservice Plan (MIP) Here is the description of the graph. This chart is compatible with PowerPoint 2007 or later.. Here is some more text. You may delete the graphical elements.
UPDATE = Component Proposal Form 1853 Additional training dates can be added to existing/approved components. To add dates to an existing/approved component, a form has been created. Access this form on the PD Forum site, the same place you find meeting documents. Complete this form and send electronically to PD. If you are asked to conduct more trainings beyond the original proposal, after January 31, then...
UPDATE = Component Proposal Form 1853 No Marzano focus No implementation assignment is attached Implementation assignment does not match training content Proposal was not sent to Supervisor Mistakes for calculating inservice points Primary purpose code selected is incorrect Training dates, times, locations are incomplete or missing Component Proposal - Form Opens/Closes January 2, 2014 – January 31, 2014 Common mistakes when completing Component Proposal Form 1853
Choosing an Implementation: Making Appropriate Choices Some Possible Teacher Evidences Some Possible Student Evidences Classroom Observations Teacher Interviews Focus Groups Implementation Logs Reflective Journals Teacher Portfolios Teacher Products/Artifacts Observations of Student Behaviors Student Interviews Student Surveys Results of Standardized, District-created, and/or Teacher-created Assessments Results of Group Activities Student Grades School Records Student Work Samples Reflective Journals
Professional Development ‘Authentic Reason’ for Implementing Implementation is a ‘Natural Consequence’ SwPBS Teacher: Evidence of procedures and routines (Posters, teacher tallies, seating, rules) Students: Evidence of behavior changes (Logs, detentions, referrals, grades, observation) MS PowerPoint Teacher: Evidence of creation and use of PowerPoint in classroom (Product) Student: Evidence of student engagement (Observation) Cultural Sensitivity Teacher: Evidence that teacher has changed his/her beliefs, attitudes, aspirations (Reflection, journal entries) Student: Evidence that accommodations are being provided to targeted students (Accommodation lists, student surveys) Literacy Teacher: Evidence of use of literacy strategies during instruction (Posters, product, observation) Student: Evidence that literacy strategies used in reading and writing has resulted in improved performance (Student work samples, student writing journals, grades) Examples of the Best Ways to Show Authentic Implementation
7 Core Policies Exemplars for Implementation Activities Courtesy of Dave Ramos, Exceptional Student Education Participants are required to submit a copy of the cover sheet of one completed WPPSI-IV Record Form WPPSI-IV Training 3 training hours 1 implementation hour = 4 possible points Here is the description of the graph. This chart is compatible with PowerPoint 2007 or later.. Here is some more text. You may delete the graphical elements. Participants are required to submit a copy of a Conference Note or Conference Staffing Record indicating the implementation of an effective threat assessment or intervening on a crisis. Effective Threat Assessment/ Crisis Intervention 3 training hours 1 implementation hour = 4 possible points
7 Core Policies More Exemplars for Implementation Activities Courtesy of Dave Ramos, Exceptional Student Education Participants are to submit a copy of a psycho- educational report, wherein information from the DSM-V is tied into information for eligibility determination decisions. DSM-V Training 6 training Hours 2 implementation hours = 8 possible points Here is the description of the graph. This chart is compatible with PowerPoint 2007 or later.. Here is some more text. You may delete the graphical elements. Participants are to submit a copy of notes from an individual or group counseling session that specifically addresses social skills Social Skills Training for Students 6 training hours 2 implementation hours = 8 possible points
? Calculating Inservice Points Point Worthy = Content Training NOT POINT WORTHY Welcomes Breaks Updates Assigning homework Registration Caution!
UPDATE = Component Evaluation Form 0471 Component Evaluation - Form 0471 Opens/Closes December 16 – January 31 (EXTENDED) March 10 – 14
Common mistakes when completing Component Evaluation Form 0471 Completed participants number does not match Excel spreadsheet Numbers are listed with “%” symbols or decimals (use whole numbers ONLY) Sect. 4A= Impact Assessment (Participant Changes) numbers do not match participants that completed training Sect. 4B= Impact Assessment (Student Changes) numbers do not match participants that completed training = % of participants failed to submit student artifacts Excel spreadsheet incomplete or not attached Evaluation was not sent to Supervisor Text boxes left blank
EXCEL Spreadsheet – attach to Component Evaluation Name, School, Dept #, Job title, EMPLID, and points to be awarded must be included. ONLY include participants that have earned inservice points.
Diane Wyatt, Manager Professional Development PX Questions? More Information?