{ Michel Foucault The History of Sexuality, Vol. 1 (1976)


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Presentation transcript:

{ Michel Foucault The History of Sexuality, Vol. 1 (1976)

 Censorship and so-called repression brings about a (paradoxical?) “discursive explosion” (17)  “[T]here was a policing of statements”; “a whole restrictive economy” of talking about sex (18)  Speech proliferated, and was REGULATED, directed into CHANNELS  “the scheme for transforming sex into discourse” (20) “The Repressive Hypothesis”

{ Contagious Diseases Act, 1864, 66, 69 Report, 1868

 “This carefully analytical discourse was meant to yield multiple effects of displacement, intensification, reorientation, and modification of desire itself” (23)  “A censorship of sex? There was installed rather an apparatus for producing an even greater quantity of discourse about sex, capable of functioning and taking effect in its very economy” (23). “Transforming sex into discourse”

 Episode of the farm hand, and his “inconsequential bucolic pleasures” (31)  “Curdled milk”  “Judicial action, a medical intervention, a careful clinical examination, an entire theoretical elaboration” (31) Pleasure  Language

“Power is everywhere” 92-3

 “In short, it is a question of orienting ourselves to a conception of power which replaces the privileging of the law with the viewpoint of the objective [i.e. “goal”], the privileging of prohibition with the viewpoint of tactical efficiency, the privileging of sovereignty with the analysis of a multiple and mobile field of force relations, wherein far-reaching, but never completely stable, effects of domination are produced. (102) “Effects of domination are produced”