Instructional Design Shaikh albuainain.
Instructional Design is the systematic process wherein instructional materials are designed, developed and delivered as well as to create artifacts or information. It also have its own set of tools. Other terms such as instructional technology, educational technology, curriculum design, and instructional systems design (ISD) are used to define instructional design (Culatta, 2013; Instructional Design Central 2012).
Instructional Design Theory Learning Theory Instructional Design Model Instructional design theory is used to specify for to bring the desired set of circumstances through technology, while the learning theory attempts to describe how people learn – e.g. constructivism, behaviorism, and social cognitivism – and is scientific. Together, both are used to define instructional design models – prescriptive models which provide guidelines or frameworks to organize the structural process of creating instructional activities. Both are also used in order to provide the best approach for the science of instructional design (Culatta, 2013).
Instructional Design There are many different instructional design models from which to choose. Many of these models have common features such as a. Analysis b. Design c. Develop d. Implement e. Evaluate (Botturi, 2003, p ).
Instructional Design DICK AND CAREY
Instructional Design ADDIE
Analysis Analysis consists of gathering information about the learners, the learning context and the expected learning activities. It must consider the following elements: 1.The learning goals 2.The nature of learners – age, previous knowledge, previous learning experience, attitude towards learning 3.The learning context – which are the location, accessibility, facilities, time schedule (Botturi, 2003, p ).
Design Design is the analysis of the content to be taught as well as its compartmentalization in different divisions. This is also the phase where the designer matches and rearranges the three elements of design – content, strategy and media – for effective distribution of new materials (Botturi, p. 15).
Development Development is the thorough evolution and completion of the design. It is also the process of creation and testing the learning experience in all its elements. By arranging all selected materials for the teaching strategy – such as integrating to activities and expositions - the development of new materials is achieved and then the rehearsal of the final outcome is done (Botturi, p. 15)
Implementation Implementation is the the actual enactment of the learning experience. This is often external to the design process, because it is inevitable that something will happen after it is implemented. Various influences – natural and unnatural – may occur and thus slightly or overly change the results of the design and this gives more input experience to be evaluated (Botturi, p. 15).
Evaluation Evaluation is the consideration of the previous processes for effective execution. This makes the model cyclic, and therefore concerns the core part of the design process. Various considerations would take place in this phase, and thus an important element in the effectiveness of the design (Botturi, p. 15).
Why Use Instructional Design The use of instructional design is relatively important because it gives technical and scientific approach in obtaining the desired result in the context of learning. By providing information that are studied and are based on the learners’ abilities and context, as well as considering their behavior and attitudes towards learning, the design of the distributed information have the tendency to yield better results. This shows that the significance of combining the technical and the scientific in designing and distributing information to learners is a must for effective learning. References Botturi, L. (2003). Instructional design & learning technology standard. ICeF- Quademi dell’Istuto, 9. Culatta, R. (2013). Instructional design. Retrieved January 18, 2015, from Instructional Design Central. (2012). What is instructional design? Retrieved January 18, 2015, from