Introduction to Sequential Logic Design Latches
2 Terminology A bistable memory device is the generic term for the elements we are studying. Latches and flip-flops (FFs) are the basic building blocks of sequential circuits. latch: bistable memory device with level sensitive triggering (no clock), watches all of its inputs continuously and changes its outputs at any time, independent of a clocking signal. flip-flop: bistable memory device with edge-triggering (with clock), samples its inputs, and changes its output only at times determined by a clocking signal.
3 S-R latch S sets the Q output to 1, R resets the Q output to 0. If both R, S are negated, the latch remains in the state that it was forced to (like a bistable element). QN is normally the complement of Q (but sometimes NOT).
4 S-R latch operation
5 Metastability is possible if S and R are negated simultaneously.
6 S-R latch timing parameters Propagation delay Minimum pulse width
7 S-R latch symbols
8 S-R latch using NAND gates (S-bar-R-bar latch)
9 S-R latch with enable
10 S-R latch with enable
11 S-R latch with enable
12 D latch D C Q Q
13 D-latch operation When C is asserted, Q follows the D input, the latch is “open” and the path (D-->Q) is “transparent”. When C is negated, the latch “closes” and Q retains its last value.
14 D-latch timing parameters Propagation delay (from C or D) Setup time (D before C edge) Hold time (D after C edge)
15 S-R vs. D latches S-R Useful in control applications, “set” and “reset” S=R=1 problem Metastability problem when S, R are negated simultaneously, or a pulse applied to S, R is too short. D Store bits of information No S=R=1 problem Metastability still possible.
16 Next… Flip-flops Read Ch-7.2