Lesson 1 Classroom Activities 1.Goal, Approach and MethodGoal, Approach and Method 2.Writing SampleWriting Sample 3.Course ObjectivesCourse Objectives 4.Course MaterialsCourse Materials 5.Speaking Confidence TestSpeaking Confidence Test Homework: Buy the book from the bookstore The homework activities for this course are listed on the course website
Goal, Approach and Method
The language of communication in this class is polite English
The Goal To communicate in basic English, employing commonly used forms of expression related to the your field of study.
The Approach and Method The Competency Approach The Communicative Method (CLT)
The Competency Approach The approach to all instruction at CEGEP is the Competency Approach A competency is the ability to perform a complex task. The competencies are approached in a step- by-step fashion. Simple skills build toward complex skills. Success is measured by performance on complex tasks.
Communicative Language Teaching CLT is a method for language education. Before CLT, people learned about a language. It was language-centered. With CLT, people learned how to use the language in everyday life. It is learner- centered and focused on learners’ needs. All CLT courses begin with a needs analysis. The teacher must determine what students can do in order to plan instruction effectively.
Diagnostic Test When you visit the doctor, he/she examines you. If there is something wrong, the doctor prescribes drugs or does surgery. The doctor does not examine your neighbour and then does surgery on you. Do not talk to your neighbour during the diagnostic test. This test is simply to find out what you know.
Lesson 1 Classroom Activities 1.Goal, Approach and MethodGoal, Approach and Method 2.Writing SampleWriting Sample 3.Course ObjectivesCourse Objectives 4.Course MaterialsCourse Materials 5.Speaking Confidence TestSpeaking Confidence Test Homework: Buy the book from the bookstore The homework activities for this course are listed on the course website
Please, take out a piece of paper
Write the following and prepare to listen Teacher: Phone number: Course:
End of section Draw a line under that section
About You Answer these questions about yourself What is your name? How old are you? What languages do you speak? How long have you been studying English? How, where and when do you use English? bac START2:001:591:581:571:561:551:541:531:521:511:501:491:481:471:461:451:441:431:421:411:401:391:381:371:361:351:341:331:321:311:301:291:281:271:261:251:241:231:221:211:201:191:181:171:161:151:141:131:141:131:121:111:101:091:08 1:07 1:061:051:041:031:021:011:000:590:580:570:560:540:530:520:510:500:490:480:470:460:450:440:430:420:410:400:390:380:370:360:350:340:330:320:310:300:290:280:270:260:250:240:230:220:210:200:190:180:170:160:150:140:130:120:110:100:090:080:070:060:050:040:030:020:010:00STOP
About You Answer these questions about yourself Where do you live? How long have you lived there? How do you come to school? bac START2:001:591:581:571:561:551:541:531:521:511:501:491:481:471:461:451:441:431:421:411:401:391:381:371:361:351:341:331:321:311:301:291:281:271:261:251:241:231:221:211:201:191:181:171:161:151:141:131:141:131:121:111:101:091:08 1:07 1:061:051:041:031:021:011:000:590:580:570:560:540:530:520:510:500:490:480:470:460:450:440:430:420:410:400:390:380:370:360:350:340:330:320:310:300:290:280:270:260:250:240:230:220:210:200:190:180:170:160:150:140:130:120:110:100:090:080:070:060:050:040:030:020:010:00STOP
About You Answer these questions about yourself Do you have a job? What do you do? How long have you worked there? bac START2:001:591:581:571:561:551:541:531:521:511:501:491:481:471:461:451:441:431:421:411:401:391:381:371:361:351:341:331:321:311:301:291:281:271:261:251:241:231:221:211:201:191:181:171:161:151:141:131:141:131:121:111:101:091:08 1:07 1:061:051:041:031:021:011:000:590:580:570:560:540:530:520:510:500:490:480:470:460:450:440:430:420:410:400:390:380:370:360:350:340:330:320:310:300:290:280:270:260:250:240:230:220:210:200:190:180:170:160:150:140:130:120:110:100:090:080:070:060:050:040:030:020:010:00STOP
About You Answer these questions about yourself What school do you go to? How long have you been a student there? What program are you in? How long have you been in that program? bac START2:001:591:581:571:561:551:541:531:521:511:501:491:481:471:461:451:441:431:421:411:401:391:381:371:361:351:341:331:321:311:301:291:281:271:261:251:241:231:221:211:201:191:181:171:161:151:141:131:141:131:121:111:101:091:08 1:07 1:061:051:041:031:021:011:000:590:580:570:560:540:530:520:510:500:490:480:470:460:450:440:430:420:410:400:390:380:370:360:350:340:330:320:310:300:290:280:270:260:250:240:230:220:210:200:190:180:170:160:150:140:130:120:110:100:090:080:070:060:050:040:030:020:010:00STOP
End of section Draw a line under that section
A Trip Answer these questions about yourself Have you ever been on a trip? Where did you go? Where did you stay? Who did you go with? How did you get there? bac START2:001:591:581:571:561:551:541:531:521:511:501:491:481:471:461:451:441:431:421:411:401:391:381:371:361:351:341:331:321:311:301:291:281:271:261:251:241:231:221:211:201:191:181:171:161:151:141:131:141:131:121:111:101:091:08 1:07 1:061:051:041:031:021:011:000:590:580:570:560:540:530:520:510:500:490:480:470:460:450:440:430:420:410:400:390:380:370:360:350:340:330:320:310:300:290:280:270:260:250:240:230:220:210:200:190:180:170:160:150:140:130:120:110:100:090:080:070:060:050:040:030:020:010:00STOP
A Trip Answer these questions about yourself What did you do on that trip? What did you want to do on that trip but didn’t? bac START2:001:591:581:571:561:551:541:531:521:511:501:491:481:471:461:451:441:431:421:411:401:391:381:371:361:351:341:331:321:311:301:291:281:271:261:251:241:231:221:211:201:191:181:171:161:151:141:131:141:131:121:111:101:091:08 1:07 1:061:051:041:031:021:011:000:590:580:570:560:540:530:520:510:500:490:480:470:460:450:440:430:420:410:400:390:380:370:360:350:340:330:320:310:300:290:280:270:260:250:240:230:220:210:200:190:180:170:160:150:140:130:120:110:100:090:080:070:060:050:040:030:020:010:00STOP
End of section Draw a line through your page
Now Answer these questions about yourself What are you doing now? What are you wearing? What are you thinking about? bac START2:001:591:581:571:561:551:541:531:521:511:501:491:481:471:461:451:441:431:421:411:401:391:381:371:361:351:341:331:321:311:301:291:281:271:261:251:241:231:221:211:201:191:181:171:161:151:141:131:141:131:121:111:101:091:08 1:07 1:061:051:041:031:021:011:000:590:580:570:560:540:530:520:510:500:490:480:470:460:450:440:430:420:410:400:390:380:370:360:350:340:330:320:310:300:290:280:270:260:250:240:230:220:210:200:190:180:170:160:150:140:130:120:110:100:090:080:070:060:050:040:030:020:010:00STOP
In the lab Use the information on your page to type three paragraphs about yourself in the lab on Labodanglais.com. Start Click 1 2 Type Save 3 4
Lesson 1 Classroom Activities 1.Goal, Approach and MethodGoal, Approach and Method 2.Writing SampleWriting Sample 3.Course ObjectivesCourse Objectives 4.Course MaterialsCourse Materials 5.Speaking Confidence TestSpeaking Confidence Test Homework: Buy the book from the bookstore The homework activities for this course are listed on the course website
b Course Objectives
Elements of the CompetencyPerformance Criteria 1. To demonstrate comprehension of the meaning of an authentic oral message related to the student’s field of study. Recognition of the overall meaning and key ideas of the message. 2. To demonstrate comprehension of the meaning of an authentic text related to the student’s field of study. Recognition of the overall meaning and main ideas of the message. 3. To communicate a brief oral message related to the student’s field of study. Intelligible message lasting at least two minutes. Use of terms related to the student’s field of study. Relevant statements. Satisfactory application of the grammatical code. Showing of openness and respect. 4. To write and revise a short text related to the student’s field of study. Production of a clear and coherent text of approximately 250 words. Adaptation to the context and purpose of communication. Use of new ideas and expressions. Use of terms connected to the student’s field of study. Satisfactory application of the grammatical, syntactical and orthographic codes. Satisfactory use of communication procedures connected to the writing task. Appropriate use of revision strategies.
Elements of the CompetencyPerformance Criteria 1. To demonstrate comprehension of the meaning of an authentic oral message related to the student’s field of study. Recognition of the overall meaning and key ideas of the message. 2. To demonstrate comprehension of the meaning of an authentic text related to the student’s field of study. Recognition of the overall meaning and main ideas of the message. 3. To communicate a brief oral message related to the student’s field of study. Intelligible message lasting at least two minutes. Use of terms related to the student’s field of study. Relevant statements. Satisfactory application of the grammatical code. Showing of openness and respect. 4. To write and revise a short text related to the student’s field of study. Production of a clear and coherent text of approximately 250 words. Adaptation to the context and purpose of communication. Use of new ideas and expressions. Use of terms connected to the student’s field of study. Satisfactory application of the grammatical, syntactical and orthographic codes. Satisfactory use of communication procedures connected to the writing task. Appropriate use of revision strategies.
Elements of the CompetencyPerformance Criteria 1. To demonstrate comprehension of the meaning of an authentic oral message related to the student’s field of study. Recognition of the overall meaning and key ideas of the message. 2. To demonstrate comprehension of the meaning of an authentic text related to the student’s field of study. Recognition of the overall meaning and main ideas of the message. 3. To communicate a brief oral message related to the student’s field of study. Intelligible message lasting at least two minutes. Use of terms related to the student’s field of study. Relevant statements. Satisfactory application of the grammatical code. Showing of openness and respect. 4. To write and revise a short text related to the student’s field of study. Production of a clear and coherent text of approximately 250 words. Adaptation to the context and purpose of communication. Use of new ideas and expressions. Use of terms connected to the student’s field of study. Satisfactory application of the grammatical, syntactical and orthographic codes. Satisfactory use of communication procedures connected to the writing task. Appropriate use of revision strategies.
Elements of the CompetencyPerformance Criteria 1. To demonstrate comprehension of the meaning of an authentic oral message related to the student’s field of study. Recognition of the overall meaning and key ideas of the message. 2. To demonstrate comprehension of the meaning of an authentic text related to the student’s field of study. Recognition of the overall meaning and main ideas of the message. 3. To communicate a brief oral message related to the student’s field of study. Intelligible message lasting at least two minutes. Use of terms related to the student’s field of study. Relevant statements. Satisfactory application of the grammatical code. Showing of openness and respect. 4. To write and revise a short text related to the student’s field of study. Production of a clear and coherent text of approximately 250 words. Adaptation to the context and purpose of communication. Use of new ideas and expressions. Use of terms connected to the student’s field of study. Satisfactory application of the grammatical, syntactical and orthographic codes. Satisfactory use of communication procedures connected to the writing task. Appropriate use of revision strategies.
Elements of the CompetencyPerformance Criteria 1. To demonstrate comprehension of the meaning of an authentic oral message related to the student’s field of study. Recognition of the overall meaning and key ideas of the message. 2. To demonstrate comprehension of the meaning of an authentic text related to the student’s field of study. Recognition of the overall meaning and main ideas of the message. 3. To communicate a brief oral message related to the student’s field of study. Intelligible message lasting at least two minutes. Use of terms related to the student’s field of study. Relevant statements. Satisfactory application of the grammatical code. Showing of openness and respect. 4. To write and revise a short text related to the student’s field of study. Production of a clear and coherent text of approximately 250 words. Adaptation to the context and purpose of communication. Use of new ideas and expressions. Use of terms connected to the student’s field of study. Satisfactory application of the grammatical, syntactical and orthographic codes. Satisfactory use of communication procedures connected to the writing task. Appropriate use of revision strategies.
2 hours of class 1 hour lab 3 hours homework Un étudiant qui doit s'absenter à un cours ou à une partie d'un cours en avise l’enseignant. L’étudiant a la responsabilité de s’informer auprès des autres étudiants de la matière donnée ou des exercices effectués afin d’être à jour lors du cours suivant. L'enseignant n'est pas tenu d'expliquer la matière manquée à l'étudiant. Un étudiant arrivant en retard au début d'un cours ou à la pause doit attendre la pause suivante ou l'autorisation de l’enseignant pour intégrer le groupe. Un étudiant peut être expulsé s'il ne se conforme pas aux règles de comportement du département et subira les conséquences découlant de cette absence, telle l'absence à une évaluation sommative. Les règles de comportement sont indiquées dans le plan de cours. Pondération : 2–1–3
2 hours of class 1 hour lab 3 hours homework Un étudiant qui doit s'absenter à un cours ou à une partie d'un cours en avise l’enseignant. L’étudiant a la responsabilité de s’informer auprès des autres étudiants de la matière donnée ou des exercices effectués afin d’être à jour lors du cours suivant. L'enseignant n'est pas tenu d'expliquer la matière manquée à l'étudiant. Un étudiant arrivant en retard au début d'un cours ou à la pause doit attendre la pause suivante ou l'autorisation de l’enseignant pour intégrer le groupe. Un étudiant peut être expulsé s'il ne se conforme pas aux règles de comportement du département et subira les conséquences découlant de cette absence, telle l'absence à une évaluation sommative. Les règles de comportement sont indiquées dans le plan de cours. Pondération : 2–1–3
2 hours of class 1 hour lab 3 hours homework Un étudiant qui doit s'absenter à un cours ou à une partie d'un cours en avise l’enseignant. L’étudiant a la responsabilité de s’informer auprès des autres étudiants de la matière donnée ou des exercices effectués afin d’être à jour lors du cours suivant. L'enseignant n'est pas tenu d'expliquer la matière manquée à l'étudiant. Un étudiant arrivant en retard au début d'un cours ou à la pause doit attendre la pause suivante ou l'autorisation de l’enseignant pour intégrer le groupe. Un étudiant peut être expulsé s'il ne se conforme pas aux règles de comportement du département et subira les conséquences découlant de cette absence, telle l'absence à une évaluation sommative. Les règles de comportement sont indiquées dans le plan de cours. Pondération : 2–1–3
Course Plan 1.The focus of this course is “English linked your field of study”. 2.To make the link meaningful for all, this course has an “English for the workplace theme.” 3.Simulation, role-play and discussion will be the principal ways in which the link the workplace will be explored.
Lesson 1 Classroom Activities 1.Goal, Approach and MethodGoal, Approach and Method 2.Writing SampleWriting Sample 3.Course ObjectivesCourse Objectives 4.Course MaterialsCourse Materials 5.Speaking Confidence TestSpeaking Confidence Test Homework: Buy the book from the bookstore The homework activities for this course are listed on the course website
Course Materials
You must buy… (write this down) Actively Engaged on the Job --available from the college bookstore **Do not buy used copies. Used copies do not contain a valid registration key
You will need… (5 items) 1.A valid account on Registration is free. 2.To continue to use the companion website after the grace period, you must enter the “Registration Code” that comes with the textbook. 3.An “Enrolment key” to enter your course. The enrolment key is …. (sent to the teacher by ) Write down the enrolment key now
How to get an account on Labodanglais.com
Select the course with your teacher’s name on it
Surname = family name
Check your “junk” folder for the confirmation
Enrolment key
The registration key comes with the textbook
Deadline to buy the book “Continue with trial” until you buy the book.
Lesson 1 Classroom Activities 1.Goal, Approach and MethodGoal, Approach and Method 2.Writing SampleWriting Sample 3.Course ObjectivesCourse Objectives 4.Course MaterialsCourse Materials 5.Speaking Confidence TestSpeaking Confidence Test Homework: Buy the book from the bookstore The homework activities for this course are listed on the course website
Speaking Diagnostic
Your turn to talk The next activity will provide you will an overview of some of the skills you will learn in this course.
Speaking Skills Confidence Test [Handout] 1.Work with a partner. Take turns role-playing each speaking task. 2.Measure your OWN confidence – 0 = “too difficult – 1 = “I need more grammar and vocabulary” – 2 = “I need more practice” – 3 = “I can do this well” 3.At the end, calculate a total score. (Next slide: Comprehension Check)
Comprehension Check (1 of 3) 1. True or false? Students work on the confidence test silently and alone. FALSE: This is pair work. Work with a partner to do an oral role-play for each.
Comprehension Check (2 of 3) 2. True or false? Students should auto-evaluate. TRUE: Write a score for yourself. Each student is responsible for measuring his or her own confidence and nobody else's.
Comprehension Check (3 of 3) 3. Multiple choice: What should we do when we finish? a)Sit quietly and relax. b)Do the activity a second time with a different partner. c)Calculate a total score for ourselves. d)Interrupt other students while they are trying to finish.
Comprehension Check (3 of 3) 3. Multiple choice: What should we do when we finish? a)Sit quietly and relax. b)Do the activity a second time with a different partner. c)Calculate a total score for ourselves. d)Interrupt other students while they are trying to finish.
How confident are you? My total confidence score for this activity is…
What your score means 0-10 = You will need to work hard. Make a commitment today to find extra time for this course each week = You are at the right level. This course was designed for you = This course might be too easy for you. Talk to the teacher about changing levels.** **This activity provides an brief overview of the content of this course. If you have mastered the content of this course in week one, it is very important that you get into a course that is right for you. Advanced students in beginner courses get bored and often blame the teacher, materials or the school for their unhappiness. Alert the teacher to this problem immediately.