Protecting life, environment and property… 1 Beam Detectors AutroBeam 100, AutroBeam 25 og FireRay 2000 ID: Beam_det_eng_
Protecting life, environment and property… 2 BN-40/1 Interface unit BN-40/A Range: metres Transmitter Receiver AutroBeam 100
Protecting life, environment and property… 3 Transmitter Receiver Smoke Hot air AutroBeam 100
Protecting life, environment and property… 4 Transmitter Receiver Hot air AutroBeam 100
Protecting life, environment and property… 5 AutroBeam 100
Protecting life, environment and property… 6 AutroBeam 100
Protecting life, environment and property… 7 U T A ”Ambient level” Fire alarm Smoke level “ON/OFF” Selector AutroBeam 100
Protecting life, environment and property… 8 DETECTOR (TX/RX) REFLECTOR AutroBeam 25
Protecting life, environment and property… V DC 2 AutroBeam 25
Protecting life, environment and property… 10 FireRay 2000 Installing a FireRay 2000 line detector is effectively the same as installing hundreds of point detectors side-by- side Detection – measurement of obscuration Sender Receiver FireRay 2000 Control Panel
Protecting life, environment and property… 11 FireRay 2000 HI Low Signal Level Alarm Latch COMP 25% 33% 50% Test / Reset ONOFF +V Signal Rx 0V Rx Test - Meter+ Ext Reset N/O N/C COM N/O N/C COM ALARM TROUBLE +-+- HIHI LowLow Signal Level Alarm Latch COMP 25% 33% 50% Test / Reset ONON OFFOFF +VSignalRx0V Rx+VSignalRx0V Rx Te st - M et er + Ex t Re set N/O N/C COM N/O N/C COM ALARM TROUBLE +-+- Connection Sender Connection 24 V and Earth Alarm Relay Fault Relay Test/Reset Switch Test Meter Terminals External Reset Connection Alarm Latch Automatic Gain Control Alarm LED Signal Level - Potentiometer Fault LED Alarm Sensitivity