Hiral Jagani
Chapter 49 Red X Campaign In 1990, Intel came close to being the best corporate marketer in any industry in the world. Intel being a component maker, traditionally it would see little value to marketing to mainstream consumers. “Vogue” campaign featuring high fashion ads was largely a failure. Introduction of 386 created a lot of customer backlash and a growing frustration at Intel. Result was the dramatic “Red X” campaign in 1989 led by Dennis Carter, Vice President Intel Corporate Marketing Group. Two lessons for Intel –existing paradigm of semiconductor advertising was no longer valid and talk to consumers directly.
Chapter 49 Intel Inside Campaign Similar to 386, 486 was suffering a pushback. Also AMD successfully build 386 clone. So Intel set about crafting a cleverer and more sophisticated campaign with Dahlin Smith White Advertising firm – “Intel Inside”. To make Intel microprocessor CPU more important than anything on the outside. Andy behaved like Bob Noyce when he backed this campaign. He wanted a sweeping victory over the competition. “Intel Inside” was one of the most successful branding campaigns in the business world. and ultimately Intel won the microprocessor wars.
Chapter 50 Impact of INTERNET boom – Increase in demand for personal computers. Astounding rise in demand for faster and more powerful microprocessor upgrades. In 1992, Intel announced its first ever dividend on common stock followed soon by a stock split. Intel’s growth between 1992 and 2000 continued upward at a pace that was impossible for a company its size. Shift in expectations toward Intel - Intel’s own perception – Plucky little company Business customers’ view of Intel – Huge Corporate giant, Predatory, Near- monopoly Consumers view of Intel – Happy Company, Trustworthy products