Sample-and-Hold (S/H) Basics Data Converters Sample-and-Hold Professor Y. Chiu EECT 7327 Fall 2014 Sample-and-Hold (S/H) Basics
ZOH vs. Track-and-Hold (T/H) Data Converters Sample-and-Hold Professor Y. Chiu EECT 7327 Fall 2014 ZOH vs. Track-and-Hold (T/H) Zero acquisition time Infinite bandwidth Not realistic T/2 acquisition time Finite bandwidth Practical
A Simple T/H (Top-Plate Sampling) Data Converters Sample-and-Hold Professor Y. Chiu EECT 7327 Fall 2014 A Simple T/H (Top-Plate Sampling) MOS technology is naturally suitable for implementing T/H The lowpass SC network determines the tracking bandwidth Non-idealities: signal-dependent Ron, charge injection, aperture, etc.
Tracking Bandwidth (TBW) Data Converters Sample-and-Hold Professor Y. Chiu EECT 7327 Fall 2014 Tracking Bandwidth (TBW) Tracking bandwidth determines how promptly Vo can follow Vi Typically TBW is many times greater than the max signal bandwidth What’s wrong with the concept of “linear filtering” if Ron is constant?
Dispersion Magnitude response Non-uniform phase delay Data Converters Sample-and-Hold Professor Y. Chiu EECT 7327 Fall 2014 Dispersion Magnitude response Non-uniform phase delay Non-uniform group delay
Data Converters Sample-and-Hold Professor Y. Chiu EECT 7327 Fall 2014 Dispersion Waveform is not very sensitive to the lowpass magnitude response as long as the signal bandwidth is on the order of TBW Waveform distortion is mainly due to non-uniform phase and group delays
Data Converters Sample-and-Hold Professor Y. Chiu EECT 7327 Fall 2014 Signal-Dependent Ron Signal-dependent Ron → signal-dependent TBW → extra waveform distortion Neither signal-dependent Ron nor dispersion is of concern if TBW is sufficiently large (>> fin, depending on the target accuracy)
Ideal T/H Sufficient tracking bandwidth → negligible tracking error Data Converters Sample-and-Hold Professor Y. Chiu EECT 7327 Fall 2014 Ideal T/H Sufficient tracking bandwidth → negligible tracking error Well-defined sampling instant (asserted by clock rising/falling edge) Zero track-mode and hold-mode offset errors
T/H Errors (Track Mode) Data Converters Sample-and-Hold Professor Y. Chiu EECT 7327 Fall 2014 T/H Errors (Track Mode) Finite tracking bandwidth → tracking error, T/H memory Track-mode offset, gain error, and nonlinearity
Acquisition Time (tacq) Data Converters Sample-and-Hold Professor Y. Chiu EECT 7327 Fall 2014 Acquisition Time (tacq) Accuracy tacq 1% (7b) ≥ 5t 0.1% (10b) ≥ 7t 0.01% (13b) ≥ 9t Short L, thin tox, large W, large Vov, and small Vi help reduce Ron
T/H Errors (T-to-H Transition) Data Converters Sample-and-Hold Professor Y. Chiu EECT 7327 Fall 2014 T/H Errors (T-to-H Transition) Pedestal error (often signal-dependent) resulted from switch turn-off nonidealities (clock feedthrough and charge injection) Aperture delay – the delay Δt b/t hold command and hold action Aperture jitter – the random variation in Δt (i.e., sampling clock jitter)
Switch Non-Idealities Data Converters Sample-and-Hold Professor Y. Chiu EECT 7327 Fall 2014 Switch Non-Idealities Clock feedthrough (CF) Charge injection (CI) Fast turn-off Slow turn-off
Pedestal Error of Top-Plate T/H Data Converters Sample-and-Hold Professor Y. Chiu EECT 7327 Fall 2014 Pedestal Error of Top-Plate T/H Slow turn-off: Fast turn-off: Watch out for nonlinear errors!
Speed-Accuracy Tradeoff of T/H Data Converters Sample-and-Hold Professor Y. Chiu EECT 7327 Fall 2014 Speed-Accuracy Tradeoff of T/H Pedestal error: TBW: Therefore: Technology scaling improves T/H performance!
Data Converters Sample-and-Hold Professor Y. Chiu EECT 7327 Fall 2014 Aperture Delay (Δt) Fixed aperture delay is usually not of problem in a single-path T/H Non-uniform aperture delays among time-interleaved T/H paths cause significant errors (Δt1, Δt2… are also called sampling clock skew)
Data Converters Sample-and-Hold Professor Y. Chiu EECT 7327 Fall 2014 Aperture Jitter Ref: M. Shinagawa, Y. Akazawa, and T. Wakimoto, “Jitter analysis of high-speed sampling systems,” IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, vol. 25, issue 1, pp. 220-224, 1990.
Aperture Jitter Data Converters Sample-and-Hold Professor Y. Chiu EECT 7327 Fall 2014 Aperture Jitter
Aperture Jitter Data Converters Sample-and-Hold Professor Y. Chiu EECT 7327 Fall 2014 Aperture Jitter
Data Converters Sample-and-Hold Professor Y. Chiu EECT 7327 Fall 2014 T/H Errors (Hold Mode) Hold-mode droop caused by off-switch/diode/gate leakage Hold-mode input feedthrough (i.e., due to capacitive coupling)
Evaluating T/H Performance Data Converters Sample-and-Hold Professor Y. Chiu EECT 7327 Fall 2014 Evaluating T/H Performance kT/C noise: T = 300K CS √kT/C 100pF 6.4μV 1pF 64μV 10fF 640μV SNDR: Noise Distortion Jitter
MOS S/H Techniques Data Converters Sample-and-Hold Professor Y. Chiu EECT 7327 Fall 2014 MOS S/H Techniques
Simple Top-Plate Sampling Data Converters Sample-and-Hold Professor Y. Chiu EECT 7327 Fall 2014 Simple Top-Plate Sampling Pros Simple, minimum number of devices Potentially wideband, zero track-mode offset Cons Signal-dependent tracking bandwidth Signal-dependent charge injection and clock feedthrough Signal-dependent aperture delay (sampling point)
Signal-Dependent Aperture Delay Data Converters Sample-and-Hold Professor Y. Chiu EECT 7327 Fall 2014 Signal-Dependent Aperture Delay Non-uniform sampling due to signal-dependent aperture delay causes distortion in top-plate S/H Sharp clock edge and small Vin mitigate the delay variation
Signal Distortion ← 2nd-order Data Converters Sample-and-Hold Professor Y. Chiu EECT 7327 Fall 2014 Signal Distortion ← 2nd-order
CMOS Switch Ron still depends on Vin and is sensitive to N/P mismatch Data Converters Sample-and-Hold Professor Y. Chiu EECT 7327 Fall 2014 CMOS Switch Ron still depends on Vin and is sensitive to N/P mismatch Large parasitic cap due to PMOS switch for symmetric Ron Clock rising/falling edge alignment
Data Converters Sample-and-Hold Professor Y. Chiu EECT 7327 Fall 2014 Clock Bootstrapping Constant gate overdrive voltage VGS = VDD for the switch Ron is not dependent on Vin to the first order (body effect?) NMOS device only with less parasitic capacitance
Data Converters Sample-and-Hold Professor Y. Chiu EECT 7327 Fall 2014 Clock Bootstrapping Ref: A. M. Abo and P. R. Gray, “A 1.5-V, 10-bit, 14.3-MS/s CMOS pipeline ADC,” IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, vol. 34, issue 5, pp. 599-606, 1999.
Clock Bootstrapping (Φ=0) Data Converters Sample-and-Hold Professor Y. Chiu EECT 7327 Fall 2014 Clock Bootstrapping (Φ=0)
Clock Bootstrapping (Φ=1) Data Converters Sample-and-Hold Professor Y. Chiu EECT 7327 Fall 2014 Clock Bootstrapping (Φ=1)
Data Converters Sample-and-Hold Professor Y. Chiu EECT 7327 Fall 2014 Dummy Switch Initial size of dummy chosen with the assumption of a 50/50 split of Qch; usually (W/L)dummy < ½(W/L)switch in practice The nonlinear dependence of CI on Zi, CS, and clock rise/fall time makes it difficult to achieve a precise cancellation Ф_ rising edge must trail Ф falling edge
Balanced Switch + Dummy Data Converters Sample-and-Hold Professor Y. Chiu EECT 7327 Fall 2014 Balanced Switch + Dummy TBW Parasitics Ref: L. A. Bienstman and H. J. De Man, “An eight-channel 8 bit microprocessor compatible NMOS D/A converter with programmable scaling,” IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, vol. 15, issue 6, pp. 1051-1059, 1980.
Fully-Differential T/H Data Converters Sample-and-Hold Professor Y. Chiu EECT 7327 Fall 2014 Fully-Differential T/H E.g. fin 0.5GHz VDD 1.8V tf 0.1ns A (Vin) 0.5V SDR (SE) 20-30 dB SDR (DF) 40-50 dB All even-order distortions cancelled, including the signal-dependent aperture delay-induced distortion Actual cancellation limited by P/N mismatch (1-10% typically)
Bottom-Plate Sampling Data Converters Sample-and-Hold Professor Y. Chiu EECT 7327 Fall 2014 Bottom-Plate Sampling AC-ground switch opens slightly earlier than input switches Signal-independent CF and CI of switch Φe to the first order! Input switch can be further bootstrapped Typical for applications of more than 8-bit resolution Less tracking bandwidth due to more switches in series Signal swing at node X is not entirely zero!
Sample-and-Hold Amplifier (SHA) Data Converters Sample-and-Hold Professor Y. Chiu EECT 7327 Fall 2014 Sample-and-Hold Amplifier (SHA)
Data Converters Sample-and-Hold Professor Y. Chiu EECT 7327 Fall 2014 Inverting SHA Inverting, closed-loop gain determined by the ratio CS/CH CMOS or bootstrapped switches are required when passing signals with large swing (where?)
Inverting SHA (Track-Mode) Data Converters Sample-and-Hold Professor Y. Chiu EECT 7327 Fall 2014 Inverting SHA (Track-Mode) CF and CI are independent of Vin and cancelled differentially Φ1e switch is equivalent to two switches of half channel length → faster, less CF and CI
Inverting SHA (Hold-Mode) Data Converters Sample-and-Hold Professor Y. Chiu EECT 7327 Fall 2014 Inverting SHA (Hold-Mode) CM? DM? For 1X gain (CS = CH), the feedback factor is about 1/2 Floating switch Φ2 in hold-mode → flexible input common mode Useful for single-ended to differential conversion
Differential Mode DM half circuit DM charge transfer is complete Data Converters Sample-and-Hold Professor Y. Chiu EECT 7327 Fall 2014 Differential Mode DM half circuit DM charge transfer is complete
Common Mode CM half circuit CM charge is not transferred! Data Converters Sample-and-Hold Professor Y. Chiu EECT 7327 Fall 2014 Common Mode CM half circuit CM charge is not transferred!
Flip-Around SHA Non-inverting, 1X closed-loop gain Data Converters Sample-and-Hold Professor Y. Chiu EECT 7327 Fall 2014 Flip-Around SHA Non-inverting, 1X closed-loop gain Close-to-unity feedback factor in hold mode CF/CI independent of Vin and cancelled differentially