APA The choice of car manufacturers worldwide Diesel Fumigation Introduction Not a new concept, Just new technology - Diesel engine Characteristics - Rudolf Diesel theory on fumigation - Problems in control - Diesel fumigation - Diesel Substitution Rudolf Diesel - Diesel fumigation is not Diesel substitution
APA The choice of car manufacturers worldwide APA GFSI system Breakdown -Small amount of LPG is blended with air in the intake below the LEL of LPG - When combined with the Diesel Hydrocarbons In combustion chamber more of the Diesel is burned - Full microprocessor control ensures engine is not over fuelled and monitors all engine parameters - The resultant increased efficiency means more power is Generated at the crankshaft for the same unit of energy used And hence a net saving in fuel cost How it works
APA The choice of car manufacturers worldwide APA GFSI system Breakdown -Full Closed Loop Control - Data Logging - GSM Network remote access -Tuning -Diagnostics - Multiple system fail safes System Benefits
APA The choice of car manufacturers worldwide Diesel Fumigation Advantages of APA GFSI system - Totally non invasive and stand alone Fumigation system - Suitable for turbo, NA, Mechanical, electro Mechanical or full electronic and common rail Diesel engines - Factory engine characteristics are unchanged -10% net fuel savings guaranteed, some results have been up to 25% - Increase in both power and torque (power increases can be capped) - Significantly reduced emissions particularly Particulate Matter (PM) - GSM mobile network interface for diagnostics and tuning (Satellite interface coming soon mining applications) - Full engine warranty on heavy vehicles (up to $60,0000)
APA The choice of car manufacturers worldwide Applications
APA The choice of car manufacturers worldwide Applications Trucks Big and Small Commercial or pleasure marine In fact almost every Diesel engine stationary or mobile
APA The choice of car manufacturers worldwide Installations
APA The choice of car manufacturers worldwide Installs Factory like finish to fit out LPG tank Disguised as Diesel tank - B Double heavy line transport - AU$2000 net fuel saving per truck / month
APA The choice of car manufacturers worldwide Abalone Farm Stationary Pumps LPG Bulk StorageDiesel Bulk StoragePump House - 6 Diesel pump & generator sets - ~ 25% nett saving in fuel costs
APA The choice of car manufacturers worldwide Installations to date Total Installs to date ~ 200 Heavy Truck installs ~ 600 4WD Vehicles ~ 15 stationary applications New Applications currently under development: - Commercial Marine - Heavy Mine Equipment - Earthmoving
APA The choice of car manufacturers worldwide APA Innovative Cylinders a LPG Storage solution for every application
APA The choice of car manufacturers worldwide A Tank for every installation Standard under cab tank End fill tank in scalloped Diesel tank Twin compact vertical tank Single vertical tank
APA The choice of car manufacturers worldwide Dynamometer Summary
APA The choice of car manufacturers worldwide William Adams C15 CAT dynamometer results Caterpillar Brochure Specifications: Maximum engine horsepower is 1600rpm Maximum rear wheel horsepower: T604 on chassis Dyno operating on diesel only (standard engine) Maximum engine horsepower attained Maximum rear wheel horsepower attained Total hp losses including drive Maximum system losses including drive train T604 on chassis Dyno operating on diesel &LPG (standard engine) Maximum engine horsepower attained was Maximum rear wheel horsepower attained (+69HP) Total hp losses including drive (+41HP) Maximum system losses including drive train (+90HP)
APA The choice of car manufacturers worldwide De Tuned C15 CAT dynamometer results T604 on the chassis Dyno operating on LPG and Diesel (De-tuned Engine) Maximum engine horsepower attained was Maximum rear wheel horsepower attained (+65HP) Total hp losses including drive (+55HP) Maximum system losses including drive train (61HP less loss) T604 on the chassis Dyno operating on diesel only (De-tuned Engine) and the follow maximums were achieved: Maximum engine horsepower attained Maximum rear wheel horsepower attained Total hp losses including drive Maximum system losses including drive train
APA The choice of car manufacturers worldwide WA CAT C-15 dynamometer results Summary - Same lower RPM -200RPM) - Higher Tourque = less drive train loss - Reduced Fuel Consumption 492HP+~2.8GPH LPG)
APA The choice of car manufacturers worldwide Oil Analysis
APA The choice of car manufacturers worldwide Oil Analysis - Reduction in Wear Metals ~50% Results to date have shown that service intervals in some instances have nearly doubled, because the engine burns cleaner and subsequently, there is less 'sludging' allowing operators to review engine maintenance intervals. - Reduced viscosity increase 12% (sludging) - Increased Opacity 12% The following Oil Analysis is based on 30,000km traveled on oil pre and post installation
APA The choice of car manufacturers worldwide Environment, Health and Ill Effects
APA The choice of car manufacturers worldwide Emissions Summary based on DT80 test Vehicle:Iveco Eurotech Engine:Cummins signature Year: 2003 KM Traveled: PollutantDiesel Only Diesel/Gas% Decrease / Increase NOX (total) % Decrease PM % Decrease Opacity % Decrease CO % Decrease CH % Increase
APA The choice of car manufacturers worldwide Total Environment Benefit Greenhouse Local Air Quality - Substantial Reduction in PM (35.2%*) - Reduction in Opacity (34.8) - Reduction in total Nox (4.89%) - Reduced CO2 (12.2%) - Reduced Total Nox (4.89%) - Slight CH4 Increase however Methane Increase is more than Offset by C02 savings even when indexed against Greenhouse table of toxicity* *Based on Parrallel tests some indicators have been as high as 50% compared to vehicles that have never ran Diesel Gas
APA The choice of car manufacturers worldwide Ill effects of Diesel Power According to CARB Particulate Matter (PM) from Diesel Transport:** - Premature deaths (2000 per year) - Lung cancer (250 per year) - Decreased lung function in children - Chronic bronchitis - Increased respiratory and cardiovascular hospitalizations - Aggravated asthma - Increased respiratory symptoms - Lost workdays - Reduction in visibility (10 to 75% of total) - Global warming (2nd to carbon dioxide) ** Source: WLPG Health and ill effects report
APA The choice of car manufacturers worldwide Overall Health and Environment impact Indexing Greenhouse gases (C02 taken as base of 1) - Methane Increase is more than Offset by C02 savings even when indexed against Greenhouse table of toxicity* ^ Assumes N20 is 10% of total nox… source: Minesota polution Control agency (MPCA) * Source PollutantDiesel Only Test Diesel/Gas Testfactorfactored Diesel Factored Diesel / gas Result NOX (total) *^ CO * CH * total points
APA The choice of car manufacturers worldwide Media And Testimonials
APA The choice of car manufacturers worldwide Media
APA The choice of car manufacturers worldwide - Reduced Operating Costs - Reduced Environmental Impact - Increased Engine Performance APA Diesel Fumigation trilogy of benefits Visit apamfg.com.au for conference info pack