TECHNETIUM-99M EXTRACTION GENERATOR WITH AUTOMATIC CONTROL E. Nesterov, V. Skuridin, A. Kalyasov, E. Chibisov Nuclear Physics Institute at Tomsk Polytechnic University
The goals and tasks of the research: Decreasing the radiation danger of production; Elimination of subjective factor influence from the technological parameter performance; Construction of a generator with automatic control.
The general circuit of technetium extraction generator. Evaporator Control desk Packing device Solution feed reservoirs Waste collector MEC distillate collector
The basic controlled process conditions are: Time of finishing the target solution; Moments of finishing the liquid transition from column to column; Moment of water phase filling of the column neck; Moment of finishing the extractor selection into the evaporator.
The principle circuit of control device.
Controller The controller is assembled on the basis of 8-discharge microprocessor with necessary external elements. It includes: Permanent memory (PM) for control program; Control and indication desk.
Interface Has 32 inputs and 32 outputs; It is made on the basis of TTL - logic integrated circuit; The outputs are supplied with switches and power amplifier to control solenoid valves, rectifiers and other devices.
Sensors Control the level of solutions in the extractors; Control the moments of the extractor filling and phase separation; Control the temperature of hot and cold water; Control the operation rarefaction; Control the condition of globe valve.
Level solution sensors
Switching circuit of pressure sensors
Summary The device elements placed in the hot chamber do not require regulation, since all semiconductor and regulated elements of the control device are placed out of it. These factors together with simple construction of sensors make possible to achieve high reliability of generator operation in automatic condition. Application of the control devise described permits to increase safety and quality of operation as well as to minimize the manual operations.