The world of micro electronics Introduction Microcontrollers Micro Applications Future education Practical demonstrations
Introduction The wired generation Intel first microcontroller 8051 series (8088) Why all this technology jargon
What is the difference between a microprocessor and a microcontroller? (Wikipidia) A microcontroller is a specialized form of microprocessor that is designed to be self-sufficient and cost-effective, where a microprocessor is typically designed to be general purpose (the kind used in a PC). Microcontrollers are frequently found in automobiles, office machines, toys, and appliances. The microcontroller is the integration of a number of useful functions into a single IC package. Microcontrollers
Microcontrollers in hobby robotics
Microcontrollers in robots
Microcontrollers in Cars
Microbotics Video Projects with Kids Basic training
Microcontrollers Building a Controller Introduction to Controllers Beginners Level Digital Inputs and Outputs Analog Inputs Measurement Experiments Project Wire Touch Game Using Transistors Project Pedestrian Crossing Controlling Lights Motors Intro to Robotics
Microcontrollers Experimenter PC Board Microcontroller Comparisons 7-Segment Displays Servo Controller Keypad Input Relay Control Infrared Control Temperature Measurements Picaxe18X Intro Greenhouse Project Intermediate Level
Children & Electronics Educational tools
Programming a Microcontroller
Picaxe Programming Editor
Picaxe Simulation Tool
Breadboard layout emulator
School Experimenter Board
Simulation models
Electronics MicroController Programming Building circuits Flowcharts Schematics PCB Layout Robotic Construction Assembler Programming Microcontrollers Programming PC Programming Prototyping Electronic Simulations Microcontroller Simulations PCB Etching Micro Networks Micro Radio Communication PLC Robot Programming Robotics
Technology Trends Most prevalent trend in our time – technology innovation Trend “Drivers” - save time - reduce cost - do things faster - make things easier to use - - improve safety and reliabilty - - lessen the impact on the environment Technology and IT careers
Electrical Engineers Biological Scientists Electronic Technician CAD Operator Product Designer Sales Engineer Applications Engineer Product Marketing Engineer Technical Support Manager Product Development Manager Some top Jobs for the future in Technology
Information Technology Computer Systems Analysts Computer Engineers WEB Specialist Network Support Technicians Java Programmer IT Manager Web Developer Data Base Admistrator Network Engineer