Service Design - Nationalmuseum Kafi
Modulplans Specific for each program Joint activities Today Visit to Nationalmuseet Team Work Tutoring Presentations 27. March Presentations for Nationalmuseet 10. April.
Teams Cross class teams – 3 Mul/Mil + 2 Ser/Sem Topic raised by Nationalmuseet Allocated randomly First Team work – this afternoon Discuss team rules Establish communication ways Plan mile stone meetings for the proces Plan rehersal time Find info at Fronter
Materials Uploaded at Fronter Map of the museum Profiles of guests In danish – fellow students to explain in team
Assignment The presentation must follow the “rules” for Ignite format. (20 slides X 15 sec.) Each team member must participate orally in the presentation. The NABC approach must be the platform for presenting your findings of your analysis. The analysis must include minimum 3 media (1 digital, 1 physical and 1 at your own choice). A flow chart of the digital media incl. 3 screen prints in finished layout is required as well as user test and expert evaluation of the digital media and method triangulation. The presentation must include 2 slides per letter in the NABC. 1 slide must show the customer journey professional presented. Find info in Moduleplan
Final presentation March 27 Team are divided into 4 groups Each group has seperate room All students in each room sit in in all the presentations of the room By the end of all presentations in the room each students vote for the best presentation. Must be able to argue for the vote. Lectures has wild cards to select more presentations to be presented to Nationalmuseet April 10.
Tutoring Lectures available for all kinds of questions Remember to use Tutoring
Timeplan for Tuesday 17 March 9.45 Meet up outside Nationalmuseet Prinsens Palæ Ny Vestergade 10 DK-1471 København Introduction by Nationalmuseet Time to walk around and analyse your topic
Practical info There will be possibility to hang coats DO NOT bring any big bags. There is no room to store them, and you are not allowed to bring bags into the exhibitions You can bring your own food – BUT only to each in designated area. There are many ”real” guest in the museum Please pay regards to them Consider your own attitude and behavior – you are representing CPHBusiness