Review what’s in your folder
Getting Started #2 (8-7) How can a data table “tell a story”? What can you conclude from the data table below?
Review types of Inquiry
Intro Unit Scientific Processing
Steps to Scientific Method Step One: State problem Must be in the form of a QUESTION
Step 2 Collect information about topic
Step 3: Form Hypothesis If … then statement Must be testable NO PERSONAL PRONOUNS… EVER!!
Step 4: Design experiment Tests hypothesis Must have control group-not tested on Independent variable- what is being tested Dependent variable- responding, what is happening, data is recorded
Step 5: Record & analyze data Record information from experiment
Step 6: Form Conclusion Analyze data & determine if hypothesis was supported or not If well supported over time- then referred to as “theory”
Time for the Class Challenge There may be ONLY TWO GROUPS in the lab area, however only one lab report may be turned in for the class. Everyone in class will receive the same grade for the challenge, so it is important that you work cooperatively The class will be assessed on accuracy and on the effort made as a community in the process of solving the challenge. It is assumed that everyone in the room could do this challenge on his/her own once you’ve finished it as a class
Materials You may use your notebooks, your lab papers, textbooks You will have access to the following- water, styrofoam cups, stirrers, ice, hot plate, thermometers, timers You may use the desktop computers on Table 4 to type up your lab report and print it.
Class Challenge #1 A toy company has hired your team as quality control agents to ensure that their sponge animals fully emerge from their capsules in EXACTLY FIVE MINUTES. You only have two chances (TWO LAB GROUPS) to make this work… so think before acting. Your lab report must be completed and in my hands by according to my clock or I will not grade it.
Quick Quiz Identify the independent and dependent variable from the hypothesis below. “If one apple is eaten every day, then visits to a doctor will decrease.”