What is physics? Physics is the study of the physical world. The goal of physics is to use a small number of basic concepts, equations, and assumptions to describe the physical world.
You already know some physics.
Physic problems deal with…. Temperature Size Motion Position Shape Color
Areas of Physics Mechanics-motion and its causes
Areas of Physics Thermodynamics-heat and temperature
Areas of Physics Vibrations and Wave Phenomena
Areas of Physics Optics-light
Areas of Physics Electromagnetism-electricity, magnetism, light
Areas of Physics Relativity-particles moving at any speed, including very high speeds
Areas of Physics Quantum mechanics-behavior of submicroscopic particle
One Scientific Method Observation -leads to a question Hypothesis -a “reasonable guess” as why something happens; must be testable Experiment -to test hypothesis; must be controlled— change only one variable at a time Evaluate results Conclusion – does data support hypothesis Revise hypothesis if necessary
Models Simplified models are used to make evaluation and experimentation easier. Too hard to evaluate all aspects of a situation at one time. 1 st step in making a model—determine your system
Basketball Example
Other Models Computer Models Small-scale replicas
Assignment- See syllabus