Click to edit Master subtitle style Drivers of Energy Future in the Mekong Region: Prospective Development Paths Jyrki Luukkanen
Contents Drivers behind the energy use increase in the Mekong region Solutions?
Drivers behind the energy use increase in Mekong region Industrialisation The economic structure is changing from agricultural production to industrial production Energy use per GDP grows with industrialisation
Industrialization Globalization with transfer of heavy and polluting industry to developing countries Will Laos be the battery for Mekong Region and global provider of minerals and metals Will Cambodia be garment provider
Urbanisation Energy consumption structure will change Larger share of commercial, often fossil based energy Increased education among younger population drives urbanisation Increased mobility Shift to market economy: ”Households are more reliant on self-employment and wage labour and less reliant on agriculture and common property resources (CPR), including fisheries and forests (MOPS Cambodia, WB)” Urbanisation Energy consumption structure will change Larger share of commercial, often fossil based energy Increased education among younger population drives urbanisation Increased mobility Shift to market economy: ”Households are more reliant on self-employment and wage labour and less reliant on agriculture and common property resources (CPR), including fisheries and forests (MOPS Cambodia, WB)”
Transport energy %
Shift to fossil energy
Solutions? Energy saving – reduction of energy end use Improved stoves Energy saving lamps More efficient cooling systems Improved house construction Urban planning Improved energy technology
Solutions? Renewable energy Solar, biomass, wind, hydro In many cases the large investment cost is a problem Should the developing country people reduce CO2 when we are not ready to reduce?
Solutions? (cont.) Democracy Basis for sustainable development Incorporation of different groups in decision making Ownership of energy development No one best solution Integrated approach Dimensions of sustainability: Social, Technological, Economic, Environmental, Political and Values
Finnish development aid policy? Aid projects should not mess the local market situation Aid should be based on coherent strategy determined by the local government Aid should combine energy projects with other livelihood improvement projects Aid should take into account the long term perspective (poverty reduction) and short term income generation perspective to be sustainable
Thank you Jyrki Luukkanen Tulevaisuuden tutkimuskeskus Turun kauppakorkeakoulu