UnixWare (Open UNIX) Family Roadmap
2 UnixWare / Open UNIX Family “Borealis” OU8.0.1 “Borealis” OU8.0.1 Open UNIX 8 Release 8.0 Open UNIX 8 Release 8.0 SCO UnixWare 7 Release SCO UnixWare 7 Release SCO UnixWare 7 Release SCO UnixWare 7 Release SCO UnixWare 7 Release SCO UnixWare 7 Release Open UNIX 8 It was always UnixWare inside UnixWare 7 Family
3 Q2 ‘02Q3 ‘02Q4 ‘02Q1’03 Calendar Quarters Deliverable and supportable or in final test/manufacturing Not deliverable or supportable. May be used as a technology preview or BETA. Development /Planning OKP FOR UnixWare UnixWare (Open UNIX) Family Roadmap Q2’ OU8 MNT PK5 OU8 MNT PK4 RELIANT HA UPDATE OU8 MNT PK3 UnixWare (Open UNIX 8) KOREAN UW7.1.1 MNT PK1 OKP ALPHA FOR OPEN UNIX 8 UW7.1.1 MNT PK2 OKP ALPHA REFRESH For OPEN UNIX 8 UnixWare 7 Release (OU8.0.1) (EN, DE, FR, ES,JA) RELIANT HA UPDATE UW7.1.3 Korean Q1’02 UW7.1.3 UPDATE PK1 UW7.1.3 UPDATE PK2 OPEN UNIX 8 RELEASE 8.0 (UnixWare 7.1.2) (EN, DE, FR,ES,JA) OU8 MNT PKS1&2 RELIANT HA UPDATE UW7.1.1 MNT PK3 OU8 MNT PK6
4 UnixWare New Features Improved Hardware support: Integrated USB support including: USB 2.0 support (EHCI) USB 1.1 support (OHCI, UHCI) Bootable USB CDs Class Drivers for : HID devices: Hubs, Keyboard, Mice, etc Mass storage: CD-ROMS, Floppy, LS-120 and LS-240 Intel® Xeon™ Hyper-threading Support Support for removable media: CD-RW, CD-R, ZIP and DVD SCSI-3 support New and updated graphics, network and HBA drivers
5 UnixWare New Features Enhanced networking capabilities: Support for NFSv3, including NFS over TCP Performance (~15-20%) and scalability improvements Hardware Enablers checksum offloading, MAC header collapsing New APIs DDI 8.1 driver interface /dev/poll (I/O event API) resetimeout Kernel Level time mutex lock split faster recvmsg file descriptor allocation scalability sockfs STREAM API improvements lock/ATOMIC primitive reduction
6 UnixWare New Features Network Applications: New OpenSSL OpenSLP OpenSSH h2n Samba, Apache, Squid Updated bind, gated routed
7 UnixWare New Features Linux Kernel Personality (LKP) updates: Linux environment upgraded to OpenLinux World-wide language support Improved performance CD Format (Joliet) Extensions support Enabled for Electronic Maintenance and Updates Volution Manger(VM) Client Bundled With OS Allows VM to distribute and manage UnixWare maintenance and new SCO Update Service packs
8 UnixWare New Features Installation improvements: Support for boot partitions up to 8GB Faster installation process Single Step Upgrade from UW7.1.1 or UW7.1.2 (OU8.0.) New online documentation system - DocView Native True Type Font Support Maintenance and security fixes Integrated UW7.1.2 (OU8) Maintenance Packs Integrated UW7.1.1 Maintenance Packs
9 OpenServer Kernel Personality (OKP) OpenServer platform environment support on UnixWare Provides application compatibility Same technology as Linux Kernel Personality System call support in the kernel for performance Binary compatibility (linker, loader, etc.) Dual rooted Host/OpenServer filesystem view OpenServer core libraries and environment installed in OpenServer filesystem tree Will be available as a downloadable component for UnixWare customers
UnixWare Optional Services and Development System
11 UnixWare Optional Services AFPS Updated to Version 4.02 Open Source Applications Apache Squid Samba Moved from SkunkWare CD Now Standard Supported Versions New NetTraverse Merge 5.3 Reliant ® HA Update 1.1.3
12 Reliant ® HA Release Maintenance & Minor Feature Release Support for Failover of OpenLinux applications under LKP Scripts for failover of Volution Messaging Server (VMS) Sample scripts for Oracle 9i under LKP Other Enhanced Failover Scripts
13 UnixWare Development System Updated UDK, Release Successor to OUDK 8.0 and Feature Supplement 7.1.1b Includes OSR5 compatibility modules allows most UW7 applications to execute on OSR5.0.6 and also Installable OSR5.06 & OSR5.07 to create UW7 applications Updated C, C++ Compilers and debugger Updated Open Source ToolKit Java 2 SE JDK 1.3.1_04 Java Plug-in for Netscape 4 New Memtool - diagnostic tool for solving dynamic memory allocation problems (for UW7.1.3 only)
SCO Update Packs for UnixWare 7.1.3
15 UnixWare Future Plans Update Packs at Regular Intervals (~Quarterly) Update Pack 1 Candidates - Target 3/03 PAM Booting Above 8GB TCP Segmentation Offloading Native Mozilla Printable Documentation cdrtools pro VNET Support for Merge Update Pack 2 Candidates - Target 6/03 Open LDAP Perl Upgrade SCO Admin Improvements: Disk Management PPP Support Serial Support
16 UnixWare Future Plans (cont’d) Update Pack 3 Candidates - Target 9/03 Improved print queue support - native cups USB Printer Support Sendmail upgrade Update Pack 4 Candidates - Target 12/03 IPSEC/VPN