What is Naked DSL? Currently if you want broadband you generally need to have a connected phone line. But there’s a growing number of people who primarily only use their phone line to access the Internet. Well Naked DSL is just like regular broadband, but now you don’t need a phone line to get broadband. So for you, that means no more phone line rental!
How does it work? Naked DSL runs off the same copper wire as a regular phone line. Traditionally the copper wire has been used to provide phone and broadband services. But having our own broadband network gives us a unique opportunity to choose the services that are delivered over the copper wire. When you sign up for Naked DSL we disconnect the copper wire from the Telstra voice network.
How does it work? Naked DSL is simply full speed ADSL2+ broadband, we’ve just removed the phone line from the equation.
How does it work? Connected to Broadband 2+ plus phone Connected to Naked DSL
Can I still make phone calls? Naked customers can make calls with out Naked VoIP product - ‘iiTalk’ iiTalk is free with every Naked DSL plan. iiTalk is a broadband phone service. This means you can make phone calls over the internet. The best news, we don’t charge a cent for calls to local or national numbers. You can also keep your original phone number.
Our Naked Products iiNet’s Naked DSL will provide huge savings not only by eliminating monthly line rental but also by including free local and national calls on iiTalk. Naked DSLCostMonthly Quota(GB) Home 1$ peak / 2 off peak Home 2$ peak / 6 off peak Home 3$ peak / 20 off peak Home 4$ peak / 30 off peak Home 5$ peak / 60 off peak Home 6$ peak / 65 off peak Call typeCost Localfree Nationalfree InternationalFrom 5 cents per minute Mobiles29 cents per minute
= = Is the market ready to get Naked? Market trends: Broadband usage Mobile usage VOIP usage Fixed Phone Usage Naked DSL
Are you ready to get Naked? Naked DSL isn’t for everybody. If you are reliant on your phone line, Naked DSL won’t be for you. As an example if you a have a service that uses a phone line, you are better off with a different product. Naked DSL really is for people who aren’t reliant on their home phone. If you’re sick of paying for something you don’t use, Naked DSL is perfect for you.
How do I get Naked? Because Naked DSL is new for us (and for Australia) the connection process is not as smooth as we'd like it to be just yet. If you have broadband 2+: we need to disconnect your current broadband2+ service (unfortunately when we order Naked DSL, Telstra stipulate there can’t be a broadband 2 service on the line) ~2-3 weeks without broadband access Once connected, it works like a dream, you don’t even need to make any changes to your broadband settings
early signs… iiNet Naked DSL launched a month ago Over 4500 applications Over 1500 active services PC User Magazine's Product of the Year Perhaps we could be accused of being over excited about finally being able to stick it to the major telcos and ditch phone line rental. But it’s more than that. Others such as Optus already offer a combined broadband and phone plan, but iiNet has gone one step further by ditching the POTS connection altogether, making Naked DSL the first genuine all-in-one IP communications service. PC User Dec 2007
Recap The ingredients A copper wire (what you would know as a telephone line) iiNetwork (iiNet’s Broadband equipment in your telephone exchange) Naked DSL High-speed ADSL2+ broadband No line rental Free broadband phone service Keep your existing phone number Free local and national calls
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