WOMEN DURING THE STALIN ERA EFFECTS OF THE STALIN REVOLUTION The “New Soviet Woman” Women = models of upright citizenship & clean living Supportive to husbands Housework now took on positive dimension Loyalty & devotion to state Domestic virtues celebrated “We serve the people!”
WOMEN DURING THE STALIN ERA POST-WAR WOMANHOOD Old gender distinctions restored & institutionalized New family code of 1944 Cult of Motherhood reached new heights Emphasis on domesticity intensified Women’s contribution to war effort downplayed, even disparaged
WOMEN IN SOVIET SOCIETY WOMEN DURING THE KHRUSHCHEV ERA “Thaw” re-opened discussion of women’s issues & question of inequality But Soviet economy heavily reliant on female labor Leadership unwilling to change economic priorities Similarly unwilling to challenge male authority in home
WOMEN IN SOVIET SOCIETY WOMEN DURING THE KHRUSHCHEV ERA Changes in reproductive & family policies Abortion legalized again But no contraception made available Extended maternity leave Discussions about changing family code of 1944 – but little change occurred
WOMEN IN SOVIET SOCIETY WOMEN DURING THE KHRUSHCHEV ERA “A Man’s Game” High level politics still controlled by men Khrushchev reintroduced “Zhensoviety” Women’s opportunities only expanded in “feminine” roles Ekaterina Furtseva – Minister of Culture & Politburo member
WOMEN IN SOVIET SOCIETY WOMEN DURING THE KHRUSHCHEV ERA Women’s work Continued to be undervalued Khrushchev tried to lighten load & increase wages But little change – and double burden continued Promised increased production of appliances & consumer goods
WOMEN IN SOVIET SOCIETY WOMEN DURING THE BREZHNEV ERA Brezhnev went further in addressing women’s issues 1965: Divorce made easier 1968: Paternity suits legalized Birth control became available on limited basis More consumer goods produced Places in child care centers increased
WOMEN IN SOVIET SOCIETY WOMEN DURING THE BREZHNEV ERA Increased dissatisfaction among women Regime still concerned with population levels Encouraged people to have more kids through incentives Discouraged abortion, limited amount of birth control Continued to promote women as moralizing & civilizing force
WOMEN IN SOVIET SOCIETY WOMEN DURING THE BREZHNEV ERA Some accomplishments for women Literacy & education Professional opportunities Financial independence More authority in the home Valentina Tereshkova
WOMEN IN SOVIET SOCIETY WOMEN DURING PERESTROIKA Glasnost meant open & widespread discussion of issues Challenged Soviet claim of emancipation Also opened up challenge to emancipation – “Back to the Home” movement Now advocated choice – work or home – not both
WOMEN IN SOVIET SOCIETY WOMEN DURING PERESTROIKA Introduction of market mechanisms caused high unemployment for women Numbers of women in politics dropped as quotas removed Economic instability led to rise in abortions & decline in birth rate More emphasis on physical beauty
WOMEN IN SOVIET SOCIETY WOMEN DURING PERESTROIKA Some positive developments Many independent women’s groups formed Women became involved in social & political movements Many new opportunities to voice opinions & attempt to influence policy