RH Supplies in the Private Sector Home of the Emily Katarikawe Uganda Health Marketing Group ekatarikawe@uhmg.org
Presentation Outline UHMG Overview UHMG’s RH Programming Improving Access – Strategic Approach Strengthening Private Sector Challenges & lessons learnt
Overview An offspring of AFFORD a 5 year USAID funded health marketing initiative Indigenous company limited by guarantee and registered in October 2006 – three year old UHMG has a strong and reliable governance structure: Founders members Board of Directors Senior Management
Vision, Mission & Strategic Objectives A Good Life for all Ugandans. Mission: To improve the quality of life of Ugandans through the provision of superior and affordable health care solutions Objectives: Create a consumer driven approach to health marketing through innovative marketing and social communication platforms that will lead to a Good life Strengthen and work with private and public sectors to widen existing and/ or create new procurement, distribution and service delivery systems to increase consumer access to health products and services Establish partnerships with private and public sector stakeholders to improve efficiencies and delivery of quality health products and services Grow into a self sustaining, self reliant institution
Core Competencies Programming Social Marketing and Distribution Innovative Communication Private Sector Health Care Delivery U G A N D A H E A L T H M A R K E T I N G G R O U P
UHMG’s RH model Complimenting public sector efforts for increased RH services in Uganda Commodity Security and Distribution Service Provision Enhancement of RH Knowledge at health provider & consumer level RH Commodity Sourcing/ Procurement Identification of RH consumer needs/preferences Demand creation for RH services through ABL and BTL Activities RH commodity distribution through the PFP & PNFP networks Training, Detailing , IPC and CMEs at PFP and PNFP outlets RH Clients/Consumers
Improving Access through private sector Well established and well equipped wholesale facility that sources, & procures need based health care commodities Established distribution network to distribute health care commodities through Private sector outlets, (pharmacies, drug shops, clinics, bars/lodges, General Merchandise outlets…NGO’s, Corporate Demand Driven approach to ensure correct and consistent use Demand Creation through mass media, provider training and direct consumer contact UHMG Warehouse in Kampala UHMG Getting Closer to the Customer
Partnerships developed over the years to deliver RH commodities Improving Access through Private sector Partnerships developed over the years to deliver RH commodities Wholesale Pharmacies & Drug shops across the country 200 Good Life branded Clinics (120 providing RH services) Partnership with RH organizations and health facilities Delivery of RH commodities and services through major Corporate companies
UHMG Private Sector Distribution Model Distributors/Wholesalers FACILITY RH partners PNFP NGOs UHMG Sales Team Distributors/Wholesalers RH Partners PFP Pvt. Hospitals Corporate District level NGOs & CBOs, Retailers; Retail pharmacies, drug shops, clinics, SSEs POLs & non ethical outlets for condoms RH Clients/Consumers
UHMG Countrywide Distribution Delivering to Major Towns Hoima UHMG Distribution Points Improving Rural Access
Improving Access – Strategic Approach Getting Closer to the Consumer -UHMG Chain of Pharmacies Increasing access to affordable and quality medicines to Ugandans Setting up own pharmacies in major business districts per region Currently One Pharmacy – fully operational, & 2 others opening soon
Strengthening Private sector RH Knowledge Enhancement at both Service Provider & Consumer Level Orientation of Arua community resource persons on FP FP private providers on a training on short & medium term hormonal contraceptive FP session with community people
UHMG Distributed RH commodities POP-SoftSure A Mini –Pill for breast feeding mothers
COC-New Fem & Pilplan Subsidized COC positioned for low wealth quintile females (18-30 years) in urban, Peri urban & rural places.
Depo-Provera- Injectaplan A three months injection that targets women from both rural and urban
SDM-MoonBeads Moon Beads are targeted for the following; Women who are not using any modern FP method Women who for one reason dropped from using FP hormonal methods. Women whose health conditions do not allow them use hormonal methods
Barrier method- Condoms Condom “O” is targeted for middle and upper class Wealth quintiles Protector is targeted for low wealth Quintile males (18-45), in rural and peri urban areas
Challenges Pricing of RH commodities at Retail Level Mindset that RH commodities are free Myriad of non commodity /service related constraints to overcome Market not attractive to private sector manufacturers U G A N D A H E A L T H M A R K E T I N G G R O U P
Acknowledgement USAID JHU/AFFORD Project Ministry of Health National drug Authority Private sector distributors Network of Good Life clinics & Shops RH Development partners CSR Partners: Price Water House Coopers, Total Uganda, Barclays Bank, Serena Hotel, Equity Bank, Stanbic, Kinyara Sugar works, La Farge/Hima cement factory
Thank You U G A N D A H E A L T H M A R K E T I N G G R O U P