2010 National Advisory Council of Office Professionals Norman, OK James H. Bradley Deputy Administrator Administrative and Financial Management Meet the Net Generation
Next Gen reshaping Federal Workforce - TRENDS Next 10 years: 76 million retire, 46 million enter U.S. workforce Next 10 years: 76 million retire, 46 million enter U.S. workforce 15% of Federal workforce projected to retire by % of Federal workforce projected to retire by % of ARS workforce eligible to retire this year 26% of ARS workforce eligible to retire this year 80% of ARS senior executives eligible to retire NOW 80% of ARS senior executives eligible to retire NOW
Mandatory Processes Government Reform Complexity Oversight Scrutiny Stewardship Accountability Flat Budgets Static Workforce Sustainability Transformational Change Bold moves
Mandatory Processes Government Reform Complexity Oversight Scrutiny Stewardship Accountability Flat Budgets Static Workforce Sustainability Transformational Change Bold moves Who’s going to mind the store…
The success of our agency is dependent upon a true collaboration of current and future workforce… We need to learn from the people we lead and help them succeed. This relationship will determine our agency’s future.
Which Generation are you? Silent Generation “Echo” Millenials “Boom” Baby Boomers “Bust” Generation “X”
Boom, Bust, Echo Boom = million Bust = million Echo = million
Who are these people? Smallest segment of workforce Smallest segment of workforce Respect for authority Respect for authority Dedication and sacrifice Dedication and sacrifice Hard work Hard work Stay on track... Get it done Stay on track... Get it done Hierarchy, career ladder Hierarchy, career ladder Conformity Conformity Shrinking segment of workforce Shrinking segment of workforce Self-absorbed Self-absorbed Seek personal gratification Seek personal gratification Individual and team oriented Individual and team oriented Youth oriented Youth oriented Challenge traditions Challenge traditions Demand multiple options Demand multiple options Silent GenerationBaby Boomers
Meet the NET Generation 40%+ of the workforce Self-reliant, practical Informal, want to have fun Free agents (3-5 years at one job) Work to grow and learn (not retire) Jobs must be skill opportunities Information technology Generation “X” Self-motivated Require little oversight Less organizational loyalty Cynical of grand promises and big visions Will manage and lead incoming Millennials…
MILLENIALS ARE DIVERSE… 1980 = 74% WHITE 6% NON-WHITE 2010 = 59% WHITE 41% NON-WHITE 2020 = 55% WHITE 45% NON-WHITE Millennials have developed work characteristics and tendencies from doting parents, structured lives, and contact with diverse people.
MILLENIALS “THE DARK SIDE” Common myths about the Echo Gens… o They are dumber than we were at their age o They are net addicted and losing their social skills o They have no shame o Because they have been coddled they are adrift o They steal o They bully friends on-line o They are violent o They have no work ethic and will be bad employees o They are narcissistic “me” Generation o They don’t give a darn
The Eight Millenial Generation Norms They want freedom They love to customize They are the new scrutinizers They look for organizational/corporate integrity They want entertainment and play in their work They are the collaboration and relationship generation They have a need for speed They are innovators
... are the Agency’s future!
How do you entice NET Gens to see ARS as the best option for them? What does the NET generation want and need? How do we adapt our culture to meet the needs of the NET wave of employees? What’s NExT for ARS… How do we find, hire, coach, mentor, and grow the ARS employees of the future? NET How will we adapt our culture to meet needs of the NET wave of employees?
NET First, we should not expect the NET Gen to make all of the adjustments! This is hard for Boomers!
NET The NET Generation is Recognizing Their Power… Washington Post Washington Post Article, August 7, 2010: “Next Gen finds its place in federal workforce” They are organizing & arriving in droves – and reshaping the bureaucracy 1 in 3 of 143,000 hired last year was 29 or younger In 10 years 400K of 2 million federal employees will be younger than 35
Organizational Policies Management Structures Training Succession Planning
Organizational Policies Flex time Flex time Telecommuting Telecommuting Results versus time-in-the-office Results versus time-in-the-office Cutting edge information technology Cutting edge information technology Advancement – promotions Advancement – promotions Award systems Award systems
Management Structures Mentoring and oversight Mentoring and oversight – Shown the ropes – Help to understand workplace culture – Help to process feedback – Finding internal motivation and satisfaction – See the big picture (and how they fit in) Learn from the People you Lead…
Training Understand themselves (Leadership Lab) Understand themselves (Leadership Lab) How to give and receive feedback How to give and receive feedback When/how to be formal in communications When/how to be formal in communications Self-management Self-management
3 Big Remaining Questions…. NET Will we have wisdom and courage to accept NET Gens, their culture and their media? Will we be effective in offering our experience to help them manage the dark side? NET Will we grant NET Gens the opportunity to fulfill their destiny in our agency?
Success is in our hands… This relationship is key to our agency’s future!
Questions? Thank you!