Are you ready?
Can you….. Hop like a kangaroo? Swim like a fish? Run like a cheetah? Clap like a seal?
When you see the picture next to the correct answer you will do the action of that animal. Here’s an example…. Who is your teacher? Ms. Waters Ms. Brown Mrs. Sprague Ms. Taylor
a member of a community, country or state rules community citizen honesty
to make a choice in an election vote property respect honesty
the quality of telling the truth rules community self-reliant honesty
something a person owns rules property citizen vote
something a person is expected or required to take care of trustworthy vote responsibility respect
honest; easy to trust self-discipline respect law trustworthy
a rule, or set of rules, that we live by law vote honesty respect
the ability to control your actions and follow through on your commitments citizen self- discipline honesty trustworthy
to be thoughtful and caring toward other people honesty vote respect self-reliant
having the ability of taking care of yourself self- reliant trustworthy vote law
GREAT JOB!!! Remember to STUDY your Citizenship Vocabulary words.