Center Grove Community School Corporation Data component for the Indiana Teacher Evaluation System
Getting Started Is there any student assessment data you have noticed that you might want to consider for a GAP this year? What areas do you see students struggling? What assessments can you think of that you could use to measure student growth over time?
What are you trying to achieve? Include plan for continual growth for ALL students on roster Does it connect to building goals and relates to baseline condition Is it concise, measurable, and reflect opportunity for measuring progress over time? Include condition currently taking place and what you want to impact (Give specific conditions) Include any quantifiable data and specifics that helped you drive this decision Include a statement as to WHY you feel a need to make a difference in this area
3 or more data points that support attainment of or progress towards your goal Data points should reveal progress of student learning over time Describe 3 or more specific actions which will lead to accomplishment of the goal Are they realistic, reliant upon teacher action, complements building/district goals, connected to goal, and measureable