Peacemaking Circle Fundamentals Dr. Jack B. Hamlin San Diego Restorative Justice Mediation Program
Peacemaking Circle Premises Build on the premise, humans want to be connected Build on the premise, humans want to be connected Operate from the premise, everyone shares core values Operate from the premise, everyone shares core values Assume the premise, Connection and Acting from core values are difficult during conflict Assume the premise, Connection and Acting from core values are difficult during conflict Presume the premise, a Safe Place allows a re- discovery of core values and the positive desire to be re-connected Presume the premise, a Safe Place allows a re- discovery of core values and the positive desire to be re-connected
Paradigm Shift From Coercion to Healing From Coercion to Healing From solely Individual to Individual and Collective Accountability From solely Individual to Individual and Collective Accountability From Primary Dependence on the State to Greater Self reliance within the Community From Primary Dependence on the State to Greater Self reliance within the Community From Justice as “getting even” to Justice as “getting well” From Justice as “getting even” to Justice as “getting well”
Court & Circles Comparison Participation Restricted: Reliant on Experts Inclusive: Reliant on Community Decision Making AdversarialConsensus Issues Broken State Law Broken Relationships Focus Past Conduct Individual Responsibility State Legal Requirements Past, Present & Future Conduct, Individual & Collective Responsibility, Needs of all parties Tools Banishment, Punishment, Coercion Reintegration, Healing/Support, Trust/Understanding Procedure Fixed Rules Flexible Guidelines ResultsWinners/Losers Finding Common ground to Maximize all Interests
Inner Circle Framework Substance Values Values Guiding Principles Guiding Principles
Universal Core Values Circle Values LoveRespectHonestyHumilitySharingCourageInclusivityEmpathyTrustForgiveness
The Thirteen Guides - Principles Call us to act on personal values Call us to act on personal values Include all interests Include all interests Are easily accessible to all Are easily accessible to all Offer everyone an equal opportunity to participate Offer everyone an equal opportunity to participate Involvement is voluntary Involvement is voluntary Participation is direct Participation is direct Guided by a shared vision Guided by a shared vision Designed by the users Designed by the users Are flexible accommodating unique needs & interests Are flexible accommodating unique needs & interests Holistic Approach Holistic Approach Maintain Respect for all Maintain Respect for all Invite a Spiritual Presence Invite a Spiritual Presence Fosters Accountability to others and the Process Fosters Accountability to others and the Process
Medicine Wheel of Wholeness & Balance Holding our Selves In Balance moving toward Wholeness EmotionalMentalPhysicalSpiritual
Outer Framework - Process Circle Keeping Circle Keeping The Talking Piece The Talking Piece Guidelines Guidelines Ceremonies Ceremonies Consensus Building Consensus Building
The General Circle Format PhaseActivities Creating the foundation for Dialogue Welcome, Opening Ceremony, Introductions, Guideline Consensus, Storytelling, Acknowledgement of all, Clarifying the Purpose Expressing needs & interests Communicating Feelings, Identifying needs, interests or shared vision, Summary Exploring Options Circle Addresses Interests/IssuesOptions Possible Consensus for Action Building consensus or a sense of unity Circle Identifies Points of Agreement or common ground Next Steps Closing Summary, Agreement, Next Steps, Check out, Closing Ceremony