The Use of Olfaction by Neonatal Mice for Navigation During the Blind Stage of Development Nicholas Corbin Hilker Department of Biological Sciences, York College of Pennsylvania Introduction: A preference for home nesting material has been observed in the early development of many rodent species. Pup mice are born without functional eyes and rely mostly on olfaction for sensory signals for the first 14 days after birth Locomotion in neonatal mouse pups is observed around 9 days after birth while still in their blind stage of development The odors of the mother and other siblings act as a scent source for pups, but their use on traveling long distances back to the nest is unknown Methods: Mice pups aged days were each tested in three out of four experiments. Pups were then tested again with eyes open (14-15 days) Test 1. Environmental bedding was fresh unscented bedding, nest bedding was old soiled bedding Test 2. Environmental bedding was old and soiled, nest bedding was fresh and unscented Test 3 Control. Environmental bedding and nest were old and soiled. This was done as a control test Test 4. Control conditions are used but a strip of environmental bedding was removed and replaced with fresh bedding Questions: The aim of this experiment is to test olfaction use by pups returning to their home nest. This lead to two research questions. Is scent an important part of a pup’s ability to traverse an open area under different conditions? Does the addition of sight affect how the pups traverse the environment? Results: Table 1. Mean weight of pups on test days______ __ Eyes ClosedEyes Open Tank g4.23 g Tank g4.48 g Tank g6.30 g Conclusion: Nest finding at days seems to be highly reliant on olfaction. Control test differed significantly from tests 2 and 4 showing that replacing of the nest, or a strip from the environment affect navigation due to olfaction. Faster nest finding at days may be a combination of vision & olfaction as well as increased strength. Literature Cited: Schoenfeld, T A., and Corwin, J V. Maturation of Olfactory Exploration in Golden Hamsters. Developmental Psychobiology 1985; 18: Szerzenie, V, Hsiao, S. Development of Locomotion toward Home Nest Material in Neonatal Rats. Developmental Psychobiology 1976; 10: Wiedenmayer, C P, Myers, M M, Mayford, M, and Barr, G A. Olfactory Based Spatial Learning in the Neonatal Nice and its Dependence on CaMKII. Learning and Memory 2000; 2: Acknowledgment: I would like to thank Dr. Rehnberg for his support in the development and testing and presentation processes. I would also like to thank the Biology staff for their help and interest in this thesis experiment. Table 2. Analysis of speed data comparing eyes closed and open tests.____ Mean StDev a N b Min-Max Test 1 Eyes Closed – 1.17 Eyes Open – 3.22 Test 2 Eyes Closed – 0.71 Eyes Open – 4.22 Control Eyes Closed – 2.15 Eyes Open – 4.83 Test 4 Eyes Closed – 1.22 Eyes Open – 7.18 a. Standard Deviation b. Number of individuals tested