Mission To come alongside healthcare professionals and provide forward-thinking strategies and innovative training solutions that lead front line staff, management teams and organizations toward positive behavioural change, resident-focused outcomes, and high care standards Vision To continually inspire, motivate, and equip all healthcare professionals to face daily- challenges with positivity, enthusiasm, and creativity that ultimately enhances resident care and well-being. Values 1.Lifelong Learning 2.Relationships & Laughter 3.Sharing Ideas & Insights 4.Communication & Creativity 5.Time & Efficiency 6.Quality & Excellence 7.Our Work & Doing our Best 8.Flexibility & Responsiveness 9.Hands-on Experience 10.The Bigger Picture BRIEF COMPANY OVERVIEW The design and development of education programs is, in itself, a full time job. Where there is no Educator on staff, most companies are reliant on outside resources for their education materials and support.
History Founded in 1982 by Len Fabiano Purchased in 2003 by Jayne Harvey, RN In 2006 First Canadian company to offer Inservices via eLearning to LTC/ Retirement/ Independent Living FCS International has consistently identified needs and trends within LTC/Retirement/Independent Living ahead of the industry BRIEF COMPANY OVERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS Currently over 6,000 active eLearning users with over 35,600 eLearning course completions
1. To provide one platform for high quality in-services that best match the equipment, systems, and training front-line staff need 2. For homes to notice a positive behavioural change in those that take their inservices on the healthcare training hub 3. Make it affordable Please visit the BCSLA Booth 53 for a full demo of the myTrainer Inservice Program Our Goal was
Tyler Wells eLearning Operations healthcare training hub | Custom eLearning | myTrainer Inservice Program FCS International Tel: (905) x 11 Jayne Harvey, RN CEO | Lead Trainer & Nursing Consultant FCS International Tel: (905) Please visit the BCSLA Booth 53 for a full demo of the myTrainer Inservice Program