V’s Factors influencing contemporary societal relationships with outdoor environments TECHNOLOGY
Technology is the way humans modify the world to suit their purposes and the things we improve to extend human abilities. It touches every aspect of our daily lives and we often forget it’s there. From your alarm clock and fridge to our cars, mobiles and computers it moderates how we interact with the environment everyday. Today children spend far less time outdoors (compared to older generations) and urbanisation (city buildings) means most people have to travel further to access natural environments. Cause of this are electronic devices (computer, GPS) Due to exploration and commercial interests there are far more outdoor pursuits available. However these encounters are far more planned and less spontaneous (up and go-pack the car and leave straight away). Compare your average after school/weekend activities with your parents and Mr Stebbing.
Ways that technology influences outdoor experiences In regards to the Outdoors, technology is seen as a double-edged sword or and ongoing series of paradox’s. Often people seek remote places to get away from it all or yearn for simplicity, however they are most often heavily reliant on technology to keep get them there and keep them safe/dry/warm. It might actually be our total immersion in technology that motivates people to get away from it all ( s, texts, answering machines, speed cameras, parking meters and TVs) Access to outdoor environments – roads, cars, trains General camping gear – gortex, lightweight allows, design Activity specific gear – bikes, surfboards, harnesses, skiis Safety gear – GPS devices, mobiles, sat-phones, maps Recording experiences – digital cameras, travel books,
Specific changes in technology ExamplesPositiveNegatives CommunicationMobile phonesCheap, easy to use and access. Reduces natural experience. Crutch for the socially and emotionally retarded Design and Manufacturing Tent designCan withstand more exteme conditions. More complicated, expensive with more things that break (zippers)
Work task No 6 Research an adventure, journey or expedition from the past and examine the ways that technology has changed since then and how it influenced their experience, or relationship with the environment.