Reform in Salford Salford’s Helping Families Proposition 22 nd January 2014 Nick Page, Strategic Director for Children’s Services Item No. 4
Strategic Overview Public Service Reform is about how we support people to be more self-reliant, reducing demand and cost on all public services in Greater Manchester Creating jobs and growth will not, on their own, fundamentally change places or reduce the cost of dependency that fall to public services. Growth and reform are two sides of the same coin - core to the GM Strategy
Ambition is to be financially self- sufficient GM spends around £5bn more than our total tax contribution Total tax take estimated at £17bn. Significant investment in growth. GM economy more resilient than most Need to sustainably reduce £22bn public spending Total spend has actually increased since 2009, despite the cuts Proportions have changed – more on welfare benefits: costs of failure 22bn 17bn
GM - Big ticket proposals -Consolidating and scaling up solutions to complex dependency across multiple cohorts within place Broader : troubled families, work programme leavers, offenders/ organised crime Sharper a focus on employability Deeper at risk troubled families, low–pay-no-pay cohorts - Develop and implement out of hospital care models at the scale needed to close the funding gap faced by local authority’s and health partners - Shifting gear to deliver an approach that brings together growth, reform and place
PSR in Salford Early Years Transforming Justice Helping Families Reducing demand todayReducing demand for generations Reducing demand today and tomorrow Early intervention helps reduce long term and high cost needs X Better outcomes, lower cost Health & Social Care Better outcomes, lower cost SAVINGS Reinvest resources across partners Work and Skills Ageing Population ENABLERS OF PUBLIC SERVICE REFORM Data, evaluation, evidence and systems Cost benefit analysis, financial modelling, investment agreements Public service workforces Commissioning and decommissioning Work Programme Leavers
Emerging Evidence shows..... That applying the principles of – integrated and sequenced delivery of bespoke packages of support around whole families – improves a whole range of outcomes for the family Direct benefits for Health partners will include, fewer non-elective admissions to hospital, reduced length of stay, reduced drug and alcohol dependency, improved mental health Other benefits will come from more people in work, reduced ASB, youth crime and domestic violence, improvements in school attendance and school readiness.
A new public service offer in Salford Budget reductions in Public Service will continue to 2018 and beyond - for all of us Set against a high level of deprivation, increasing demand – particularly in the number of vulnerable people we have responsibilities for We must question ourselves – ‘are our structures and culture fit for the financial and delivery challenges we all face ’ We need new ways of doing things – ‘together’ We all serve the same people in our City
Comments / reflections so far
Salford’s Helping Families Proposition Create a consolidated service model in Salford from the council’s family focused resources, and similar partnership resource across the city, in order to maximise their collective impact on delivery of a shared set of outcomes to improve the lives of Salford’s residents (and reduce delivery costs). Delivered in 3 fluid phases: -Phase 1 - bring together Children’s Services family focused resources -Phase 2a - integrate other Council wide services – potential Adult Social Care and Community Safety -Phase 2b – build on existing collaboration with partners e.g. The MASH’ Salford Learning Partnership, Salford Trust, our joint work with CCG’s and Public Health – joint health visitors, midwifery, obesity and sexual health and work with our Housing Providers around welfare reforms and ASB. -Phase 3 - city wide / industrial scale – partners to input resources to achieve shared outcomes
Salford’s Helping Families Proposition Building on the ‘Lessons Learnt’ from Salford’s Reform work to date :- -identify a clear cohort - with a defined set of outcomes tomeet local need -work with the whole family – to resolve issues in their entirety / avoid wasted effort and unintended consequences -identify a key worker – to coordinate support and stop any disconnected contact -pool resources – economies of scale -importance of good data - to ensure we identify and address the need correctly / using evidence based interventions
Making it happen Establish clear governance and leadership Commitment to joint design group - ‘task and finish’ - important we have the right people. Tasks/deliverables include: Agree joint outcomes Prepare business case / options for change Scope / phases of development – need to work at pace Agree supporting programmes of work / organisation best placed to take the lead – learning from the best, for example CBA / Investment Agreement A Salford Workforce - a flexible workforce Intelligent Decision making – Enabling Hub
Issues for Consideration by City Partners Does what you have heard today feel right ? Have you got what you need from today ? Is this something you want to be part of ? Can your services contribute to delivery ? Do you want to be part of the Salford Design Group ? Reflect, have the discussions you need in your organisation, speak with the team. Let us have your initial comments / reflections / suggestions by 5 th February Key points of contact are in the slide pack if you would like further discussion with the team or thematic leads.
Comments / reflections
Key points of contacts Nick Page, DCS – Reform Lead, Mat Ainsworth, Troubled Families/Work Programme Leavers Lead – Becky Bibby, Early Years Lead – Jennifer McGovern - Integration of Health and Social Care (Older People) Lead Don Brown - Transforming Justice and Rehabilitation Lead – Programme Management /Co-ordination – Seamus Lynch Charlotte Cooper ; Katie Kelleher
Comments / feedback to:- Charlotte Cooper Seamus Lynch Initial thoughts and comments by 5 th February 2014