Bui Thi Thuc Quyen Channarong Intaraprasert August 2013
Outline 2
Definition of Terms Theoretical Framework Research Objectives & Questions Data Collection and Data Analysis Research Subjects’ Distribution Sample of Questionnaires 3 Research Design
Communication strategies (CSs): The attempts made by the students in order to deal with oral communication breakdowns in getting the intended message across to the interlocutor or in understanding the message sent from the interlocutor 4
5 The studentsAttitude towards towardsspeakingEnglish Exposure to oral Communica- tion in English
6 1 Attitude towards Speaking English 2 Exposure to oral communica- tion in English Learners’ frequency of CS use Learners’ frequency of CS use Theoretical Framework for the Present Study
1.To investigate whether frequency of the students’ reported CS use varies significantly by their attitudes towards speaking English and exposure to oral communication in English 2.To examine the patterns of a significant variation in the frequency of the students’ reported of CS use at different levels with regard to the two variables, if they exist 7 Research Objectives
1.Do students’ choices of strategies to deal with communication breakdowns vary significantly according to their attitudes towards speaking English? If they do, what are the main significant variation patterns? 2.Do students’ choices of strategies to deal with communication breakdowns vary significantly according to their exposure to oral communication in English? If they do, what are the main significant variation patterns? 8 Research Questions
9 Quantitative method CS Questionnaire English Speaking Attitude Questionnaire Data Collection & Data Analysis Quantitative method ANOVA Chi-square tests
Number of students by variables Attitude towards speaking English Positive 919 Negative 66 Exposure to oral communication in English Limited 328 Non-limited 667 Perceived Levels of Oral Proficiency Fairly good or higher 682 Average or lower Research Subjects’ Distribution
Communication Strategies Frequency of Communication Strategy Use Always or almost always Often Sometimes Never or almost never 1) Using all purpose words √ 11 The Communication Strategy Questionnaire
Statements Strongly agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly disagree 1) You enjoy speaking English √ 12 The English Speaking Attitude Questionnaire
Levels of Data Analysis Variations in CS Use Discussions 13 Results and Discussions
Overall strategy use Strategy use under the SGM and SUM categories Individual strategy use 14 Levels of Data Analysis
Attitude towards Speaking English PositiveNegativeComments MeanS.D.MeanS.D. Sig. level Variation pattern p<.01Positive>Negative 15 Variations in CS Use at Overall Level
Attitude towards speaking English CategoryPositiveNegativeComments MeanS.D.MeanS.D. Sig. level Variation pattern SGM p<.001 Positive> Negative SUM p<.05 Positive> Negative 16 Variations in CS Use at Category Level
17 Attitude towards speaking English Reported with high use by Number of CSs Types of CSs A greater percentage of students with positive attitude 11 Self-reliant achievement strategies A greater percentage of students with negative attitude 1 Appealing for assistance from someone else around to clarify the interlocutor’s message Variations in CS Use at Individual Item Level (1/2)
18 Exposure to oral communication in English Reported with high use by Number of CSs Types of CSs A greater percentage of students with limited exposure 12 L1-based,avoidance, & help-seeking strategies A greater percentage of students with non-limited exposure 14 Self-reliant achievement strategies Variations in CS Use at Individual Item Level (2/2)
Reasons Motivation to speak English Levels of oral proficiency Opportunities to speak English 19 Discussion (1/2) Variations related to the students’ attitudes towards speaking English
Reasons Opportunities to deal with communication difficulties Levels of oral proficiency Attitudes towards speaking English 20 Discussion (2/2) Variations related to the students’ exposure to oral communication in English
Implications Contributions Suggestions for Future Research 21 Implications, Contributions, and Suggestions for Future Research
22 2 The students’ awareness 1 Teachers’ awareness Implications
The research instruments The context & investigated variables Research on CSs 23 The knowledge of CS use The knowledge of CS use Contributions
Levels of oral proficiency Investigated variables Research population 24 Suggestions for Future Research