Discovery: Implementing a vision for a 'virtuous' flow of metadata across the Web Joy Palmer Mimas, University of Manchester
Key points – Discovery: A Metadata Ecology for UK Education and Research – What makes data (or metadata) open? – What’s the business case for opening data?
A national initiative, including JISC, major universities, The National Archives, British Library & Collections Trust
There was agreement on the Vision. But not how to get there….
Agreement over metadata Disagreement over services…
One infrastructure to bind them all?
Increasingly compelling – shared services & cloud platforms
But then there’s the way the web works (and users behave) (Can we really control this?)
With the introduction of data cycles we have a real ecosystem not a one way street and this ecosystem thrives on collaboration, componentization and open data… (Rufus Pollock, OKFN blog, March )
How do we achieve this?
By working on a national level to: – Open up metadata about institutional collections – Achieve further clarity and advocacy over licensing (especially around opening up data for reuse) – Provide sustainable technical guidance – Develop core standards guidance for metadata – Engaging the key stakeholders at every level throughout the process
What makes data open and reusable?
Getting the legal stuff right…
Your data’s not open unless it has an explicit open licensing statement And there are varying degrees of openness to the licenses out there….
We the people…
In short… Adopt an ‘open by default’ mindset All metadata releases should adopt standard open licenses In the vast majority of cases ODC-PDDL, CC0 are appropriate Avoid home grown variations
And it means being open to machines
The Discovery ecosystem is… Heterogeneous Resource-orientated (not service) Built on aggregations of metadata Distributed Reliant on persistent global identifiers Striving to work well with global search engines
This is all very well in principle… The next year is about animating the principles on the ground…
user demand, benefit, added-value = sustainability Where‘s the business case?
Beyond rhetoric and hype….we can: Support institutional efficiencies Provide more complete signposts to support richer discovery Increase discoverability of hidden collections Leverage aggregators to exploit data for us Leverage the technical creativity of others & innovate
And maybe recast the value chain New business models New value propositions New purpose?
Thanks for listening….