Pharmacy Discipline Network Ieva Stupans
Presentation outline Discipline (pharmacy) network TEQSA Learning Standards
Pharmacy Discipline Network Legacy of ALTC Aim “to advocate for learning and teaching and to provide leadership and expertise in addressing national higher education priorities” Project group: Ieva Stupans, Ines Krass, Jeff Hughes, Rhonda Clifford, Geoff March, Jim Woulfe, Susanne Owen (Project Manager), Curriculum Expert Sue McAllister Project supported by Australian Pharmacy Council Council of Pharmacy Schools: Australia and New Zealand Inc. The Australasian Pharmaceutical Science Association (APSA) Advanced Pharmacy Practice Framework Steering Committee
Pharmacy Discipline Network Expert-facilitated collaborative workshops (Learning Outcomes in Pharmacy) which will focus on development of learning activities and assessment approaches. Academic representatives from all pharmacy schools, students and organization representatives in Australia invited to attend two two-day workshops. The web site developed previously will continue to be used as A tool to facilitate discussion and collaboration amongst academics and as An on-line repository of activities, assessment and evaluation resources
TEQSA TEQSA created: 1 July 2011 Assumes statutory force: 1 January 2012 TEQSA has powers to: enforce Compliance apply fines and/or deregistration effectively withdraw public funding (Commonwealth funding reliant on TEQSA compliance) audit business operations extract audit data directly from databases
TEQSA Five standards to meet/sustain registration 1. Provider Standards (Viability and governance) 2. Qualification Standards (AQF compliance) 3. Information Standards (student information) 4. Teaching and Learning Standards 5. Research Standards
Teaching and Learning Standards As of 28 th November no announcements ALTC projects (discipline scholars) Health, Medicine and Veterinary science Learning and Teaching Academic Standards Statement Science Learning and Teaching Academic Standards Statement
Health, Medicine and Veterinary Science Threshold Learning Outcomes Upon completion of their program of study, healthcare graduates at professional entry-level will be able to Demonstrate professional behaviours Assess individual and/or population health status and, where necessary, formulate, implement and monitor management plans in consultation with patients/clients/carers/animal owners/communities Promote and optimise the health and welfare of individuals and/or populations Retrieve, critically evaluate, and apply evidence in the performance of health-related activities Deliver safe and effective collaborative healthcare Reflect on current skills, knowledge and attitudes, and plan ongoing personal and professional development.
Threshold Learning Outcome Statements Upon completion of a Bachelor degree in science, graduates will be able to: Understand ways of scientific thinking by: Demonstrating a broad knowledge of science, the creative endeavour involved in acquiring knowledge, and the contestable and testable nature of scientific knowledge Demonstrating knowledge of the principles and concepts underlying at least one disciplinary area. Investigate and solve straightforward problems by: Using recognised methods of science and appropriate practical techniques and tools Formulating hypotheses, collecting valid and reliable data, and incorporating quantitative evidence into arguments Synthesising and evaluating information from a range of sources, using a range of technologies.
Graduates as Medication experts As Medication Therapy Experts, at the time of graduation pharmacy students are appropriately confident and capable of meeting the medication-related needs of both patients and populations They have a commitment to care for, and care about, patients; a fundamental knowledge of medications, the pharmaceutical, biomedical, sociobehavioural and clinical sciences, and health-systems; the motivation, professionalism, confidence and clinical judgement to apply this knowledge appropriately and effectively, and: an attitude that enables them to work with others while making, acting upon and taking responsibility for scientifically-sound decisions.
Competencies Domain 1 Professional and ethical practice Domain 2 Communication, collaboration and self- management Domain 4 Review and supply prescribed medicines Domain 5 Prepare pharmaceutical products Domain 6 Deliver primary and preventive health care Domain 7 Promote and contribute to optimal use of medicines Domain 8 Critical analysis, research and education
(APC) Accreditation standards Program fosters graduates with the following pharmacy specific skills- (no specification of workplace or at university.) Ability to apply knowledge- public health needs, needs of patients, other health professionals Apply generic skills Calculate doses Prepare extemporaneous Obtain, interpret and evaluate patient and clinical data Assess scripts, dispense Advise patients
(APC) Graduate attributes communication critical thinking cultural understanding ethics information literacy inter-professional collaboration lifelong learning numeracy recognition of limitations research: scholarship self-motivation teamwork workplace-related skills
Can we develop outcomes standards for Australian pharmacy programs What are the learning standards? and What is the level of performance of the student with respect to that standard? (i.e. how high)