Agricultural co-operatives their role in feeding the world Mike Perry, Plunkett Foundation
1 billion members 1 million co-operatives Secure livelihoods for 3 billion people 100m employees Largest 300 co-operatives equivalent to the 9 th largest national economy Co-operatives worldwide
Half of 300 largest co-ops are agricultural In Europe for example, co-ops have 60% share in marketing and processing of agricultural commodities and a 50% market share in agricultural inputs Co-ops range from the very large to the very small Agricultural co-operatives
UK co-operative movement 5,993 co-operatives with 13.5m members Between 2008 and 2011 the co-operative economy has grown by 23% Half of the 100 largest UK co-operatives are agricultural 241 agricultural co-ops, turnover of over £3bn
Horace’s co-operative approach Economic change is the best way to secure social change We have to inspire communities that co- operation can help solve their problems Developing co-operatives is a team activity The role of the state is to support not to do Keeping a co-op rooted in its community is the greatest and most important challenge See every aspect of rural development as being connected
Why co-operation? “What one can’t, many can.”
Why farmers co-operate? Reducing input costs Maximising prices of farm products To access better technology Knowledge, addressing increasing volatility, adapting to change, access to finance, informal co-operation, co- operating with their communities.
Better Farming, Better Business, Better Living Better Farming - Technical Better Business - Economic Better Living - Social
“And the dreams he had for his own country went to the far ends of the earth where they were better appreciated.” Elizabeth Fingall
The Dunsany Declaration for Rural Co-operative Development “The Dunsany Group believe there are important choices facing rural communities: Do they rely to an increasing extent on a dominant and powerful global economic model to improve their livelihoods; Or Do they take further and deeper control themselves of many of the issues they face through well-established and successful co-operative options.”
“The world will face unprecedented and urgent challenges over the next 50 years that require immediate action. In an increasingly urbanised world, over 3 billion people will continue to live and work in rural areas, while the whole of the global population will be reliant on the rural landscape for resources including food and energy and water. Around the world co-operatives as principled and value-driven organisations have a huge impact on rural life. Significant and compelling evidence exists demonstrating that co- operation leads to a more democratised economy and society at a local, national and transnational level alongside a wide range of other benefits. Co-operative approaches enable rural people and rural communities to meet the increasingly urgent challenges facing the world while meeting their own everyday needs and improving their own lives.”
The role of Governments To support, not to do Provide access to the best technical advances To provide level legislative and policy playing field Dedicated co-operative legislation To acknowledge the role that co-operatives have in building a better world
The role the co-op movement Educate and advocate Inspire the next generation Demonstrate impact Co-op to co-op knowledge transfer Maintain and develop community roots Build understanding Finance the future
Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN “FAO supports the efforts of the Dunsany Group and the vision for rural co-operative development articulated in the Dunsany Declaration. FAO stands ready to work with other stakeholders to advance this important agenda.”
To conclude... Co-operatives in their many forms have a huge impact on feeding the world. However, there is potential for them to do much more.
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