MIGRATING POPULAR DESIGNS INTO LAW Blueprint Vehicles Prime Mover and Semi-trailer Combinations Combinations
Slide 2 Dr Hans Prem Dr Luan Mai Mechanical System Dynamics Pty Ltd (MSD) Melbourne, Australia
Slide 3 Context NTC funded project; Aimed at increasing PBS take-up; Deliver safe, high-capacity/productivity vehicles; Focus is 20m 6-axle prime mover and semi-trailer; Blueprint design approach; Design flexibility with broad application; Available to everyone at low (no?) cost.
Slide Survey of Motor Vehicle Use (Australian Bureau of Statistics) Number of Vehicles
Slide Survey of Motor Vehicle Use (Australian Bureau of Statistics) Total Kilometres Travelled
Slide Survey of Motor Vehicle Use (Australian Bureau of Statistics) Total Tonne-Kilometres Travelled
Slide 7 Design Goals (6-axle prime mover and semi-trailer) PBS Level 1 Performance/Access; Up to 20m overall length; GML, CML and HML loading and 6.5t on steer; Maximum load space; Based on available equipment; Modularity and interchangeability.
Slide 8 Process Stakeholder consultation; Parameters set to meet industry needs; Define Blueprint envelope; Develop generalised Blueprint design approach; Prepare Formal PBS application.
Slide 9 Outcomes Formal PBS approval; Generalised approach to Blueprint design; Each design is stand alone; One or more designs easy to produce and approve; Support tool (beta version, final testing).
Slide 10 The formal PBS application that underpins this project is complex…
Slide 11 Dimension Set #2 of 3 (example)
Slide 12 Front Overhang Detail for Dimension Set #2 of 3
Slide 13 Support Tool (Excel Spreadsheet Based) Dimensions; Tyres; Powertrain; Loads, CGs and Suspensions; Drawings produced; Submit entire spreadsheet as application.
Slide 14 Dimensions (worksheet)
Slide 15 Dimensions (worksheet)
Slide 16 Tyres (worksheet) Data can be supplied by tyre manufacturers; Or, each tyre manufacturer to supply a list of tyres that meet this specification.
Slide 17 Powertrain (worksheet) Data can be supplied by manufacturers; Or, each manufacturer to supply a list of engine, gearbox, final drive ratios that meet this specification.
Slide 18 Loads, CGs and Suspensions (worksheet) Data can be supplied by manufacturers; Or, applicant can work with manufacturers.
Slide 19 Drawing Spreadsheet based CG height estimator – in preparation
Slide 20 Summary PBS approval for this Blueprint is in place; Working version (beta) of Support Tool available; Generalised approach to Blueprint design in place; Scope to produce many approved designs quickly; Modularity and interchangeability can be tested; Migration of popular designs into law a possibility.
Slide 21 COPYRIGHT © MARCH 2013 Mechanical System Dynamics Pty Ltd ABN