Page 1 of 19 File: MPNBlueprint_status_ ppt Author: fries BLM Enterprise Architecture | Edit Date: 11/08/2005 FC&SC: Management Planning and NEPA Modernization Blueprint Status IT Summit Meeting November 2005
Page 2 of 19 File: MPNBlueprint_status_ ppt Author: fries BLM Enterprise Architecture | Edit Date: 11/08/2005 FC&SC: Direction to Develop Business-Oriented Modernization Blueprint 1. The DOI IRB has directed that BLM lead a Modernization Blueprint effort for Planning and NEPA across the Department. 2. A presentation was given to members of the cross-cutting DOI Natural Resources Management Team in September 2005 to: 1. Explain the blueprint effort involved, and 2. Ask for participation as a core team member
Page 3 of 19 File: MPNBlueprint_status_ ppt Author: fries BLM Enterprise Architecture | Edit Date: 11/08/2005 FC&SC: DOI IRB Blueprint Decision
Page 4 of 19 File: MPNBlueprint_status_ ppt Author: fries BLM Enterprise Architecture | Edit Date: 11/08/2005 FC&SC: A Modernization Blueprint development team is structured with an Executive Sponsor, a facilitating group, and a small mission-focused core team with access to cross-department subject matter experts DOI Executive Sponsor Dr. Willie R. Taylor – Director, DOI Office of Environmental Policy and Compliance DOI Enterprise Architecture Natural Resources Management Team One Representative per Bureau BLM Enterprise Architecture (BEA) Blueprint Focus Area: analyze issues, establish findings, and make recommendations to improve business operations, specifically focusing on the Management planning process and its relationship to NEPA regulations. Core Team with access to: Subject Matter Experts / Stakeholders Facilitating BLM Group Modernization Blueprint Development Team
Page 5 of 19 File: MPNBlueprint_status_ ppt Author: fries BLM Enterprise Architecture | Edit Date: 11/08/2005 FC&SC: Overview of the Enterprise Planning Methodology Create the Blueprint (6-9 months) What Blueprint Development IS: What a Blueprint Is NOT: A structured approach to work together An approach that examines fundamental business drivers and linkages to develop recommendations for effective change A six step process that determines “What” to do NOT “How” recommendations should proceed NOT a low-level implementation plan NOT a detailed business process reengineering activity Developing a Blueprint is the first phase in the Interior Enterprise Architecture (IEA) Methodology for Business Transformation (MBT)
Page 6 of 19 File: MPNBlueprint_status_ ppt Author: fries BLM Enterprise Architecture | Edit Date: 11/08/2005 FC&SC: MPNBlueprint Development Timeline Oct - Jan FY05 Sept FY05 - Oct FY06 Jan - Mar FY06 Meetings/Activities Core Team Initial Mtg / Blueprint Training SME and Stakeholder selection Deliverables Charter 1st Draft Blueprint (Framework – High Level Outline) Communications Plan Meetings/Activities Core Team Mtg Stakeholder Mtg(s) (as needed - per CMBT) IRB Status Nov IT Summit Status Begin Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threat (SWOT) Analysis Deliverables Business Mandates Analysis Matrices (FEA / IEA Reference Models, IT Portfolio, etc) Meetings/Activities Core Team Mtg SME Mtg(s) (as needed - per Core Team) Continue Business Analysis Deliverables Analysis Models and Diagrams Preliminary Planning Blueprint findings & recommendations. Charter Core Team Scope and VisionAnalyze Business We Are Here!
Page 7 of 19 File: MPNBlueprint_status_ ppt Author: fries BLM Enterprise Architecture | Edit Date: 11/08/2005 FC&SC: MPNBlueprint Development Timeline (Cont) Analyze MP/NEPA IT Systems Author Blueprint, Approval of Blueprint Update Repository Feb - Apr FY06 Meetings/Activities Core Team Mtg SME Mtg(s) (as needed - per Core Team) Analyze cross- department planning IT systems (IRB decision) Deliverables As-Is and To-Be Models Systems Analysis Feb - Jun FY06 Meetings/Activities CMBT Mtg SME Mtg(s) (per Core Team) Adoption of Modernization Blueprint Approval / Funding of Implementation Phase Prioritize implementation opportunities within current IT Portfolio Deliverables LUP and NEPA Modernization Blueprint May - Jun FY06 Meetings/Activities Core Team Validation Deliverables Repository Reports
Page 8 of 19 File: MPNBlueprint_status_ ppt Author: fries BLM Enterprise Architecture | Edit Date: 11/08/2005 FC&SC: Charter Roles and Responsibilities
Page 9 of 19 File: MPNBlueprint_status_ ppt Author: fries BLM Enterprise Architecture | Edit Date: 11/08/2005 FC&SC: DLRM Characterization of Land and Resource Management Functional Framework Conceptual Framework for Land and Resource Management Production Functional Areas Ownership Management Planning and NEPA Custodial Management Use Authorization Compliance and Monitoring NEPA Wide area plans Management Unit Planning Right of ways Leasing Permits Inventory Management Title-Trust Title-Federal Survey GIS data ConveyancesAppraisals Note: Not all functional sub categories are listed Management Plans NEPA Step-down Plans and Activities Management Plans with EA / EIS Documentation Given the DOI Strategic Plan definition of a Management Plan, the team decided to limit the blueprint scope to Management Plans with EA / EIS NEPA documentation.
Page 10 of 19 File: MPNBlueprint_status_ ppt Author: fries BLM Enterprise Architecture | Edit Date: 11/08/2005 FC&SC: Management Plan Defined by the DOI Strategic Plan “ A land use plan as defined by a Bureau’s law, regulation, or policy. For example, BLM’s Federal Land Policy and Management Act or FWS’s National Wildlife Refuge Improvement Act of The plan generally designates in a written document land areas and resource uses, condition goals and objectives, program constraints, and management practices. The plan may identify the need for additional detailed step-down plans, support action, implementation sequences, and monitoring standards. ”
Page 11 of 19 File: MPNBlueprint_status_ ppt Author: fries BLM Enterprise Architecture | Edit Date: 11/08/2005 FC&SC: Cross-DOI Planning and NEPA Business Focus Area Examples in all Three Areas Management Plans NEPA Step-down Plans and Activities Management Plans with EA / EIS Documentation Management Plans Examples Fire Management Plan USGS – Science Plans NPS – Strategic Plan, Program Plan MMS – OCS Studies Plan BOR - RMP FWS - Strategic Plan, Program Plan NEPA Step-down Plans and Activities Examples Fire Management Plan Contract Renewal Lease / Permitting Application Operations / Maintenance Activities Construction Regulatory / Public Participation Vegetation Programmatic EISs Reclamation (OSM) / Restoration Management Plans with EA/EIS Documentation Examples BLM – RMP BIA – Forest Mgmt Plan NPS – GMP MMS – OCS Five Year Plan MMS - Lease Sales FWS – CCP FWS - HCP Programmatic EISs
Page 12 of 19 File: MPNBlueprint_status_ ppt Author: fries BLM Enterprise Architecture | Edit Date: 11/08/2005 FC&SC: Management Plans and NEPA High-level representation of scope limits framework Within the scope of Management Plans Requiring NEPA, the team decided to further limit the blueprint scope to the Management Plan lifecycle process of the development of Management Plans that require NEPA. Specifically excluded from the blueprint scope are the Plan Implementation, Monitoring, and Evaluation lifecycle processes. Supporting NEPA Process Steps Implementation Process Monitoring Process Evaluation Process IN SCOPE OUT OF SCOPE Management Plan Development Process
Page 13 of 19 File: MPNBlueprint_status_ ppt Author: fries BLM Enterprise Architecture | Edit Date: 11/08/2005 FC&SC: BLM Land Use Planning Handbook Example Plan Development EIS EA / FONSI
Page 14 of 19 File: MPNBlueprint_status_ ppt Author: fries BLM Enterprise Architecture | Edit Date: 11/08/2005 FC&SC: Establish Core Team Communications
Page 15 of 19 File: MPNBlueprint_status_ ppt Author: fries BLM Enterprise Architecture | Edit Date: 11/08/2005 FC&SC: Communications Strategy MBT Deliverables to Target Stakeholders Legend: W = Pointer to specific MBT Deliverables published on the Web – notice - Interim strategy until IEA site available – FTP site?? B = Customized Briefing Appropriate to Level of Interest = Make all MBT materials available – both Web and Checkmark Strategy – Deliver appropriate level of documentation directly to key stakeholders – make all documentation available on the Web
Page 16 of 19 File: MPNBlueprint_status_ ppt Author: fries BLM Enterprise Architecture | Edit Date: 11/08/2005 FC&SC: Web Site on the DOI OS Intranet Portal Available Soon at
Page 17 of 19 File: MPNBlueprint_status_ ppt Author: fries BLM Enterprise Architecture | Edit Date: 11/08/2005 FC&SC: Stakeholder Example Recreation
Page 18 of 19 File: MPNBlueprint_status_ ppt Author: fries BLM Enterprise Architecture | Edit Date: 11/08/2005 FC&SC: Summary Core Team Formed Charter Finalized Communications Plan Finalized Web Site Up Soon Near Term Activities List of Stakeholders Priority of Stakeholders Interview process Conduct Interviews Analyze results Next Core Team Meeting Planned for January
Page 19 of 19 File: MPNBlueprint_status_ ppt Author: fries BLM Enterprise Architecture | Edit Date: 11/08/2005 FC&SC: Thank you! Questions? Discussion?
Page 20 of 19 File: MPNBlueprint_status_ ppt Author: fries BLM Enterprise Architecture | Edit Date: 11/08/2005 FC&SC: Doc StatusRev. DateAuthor/EditorDescription of editFilename/lineage DRAFT11/08/05TfriesCreationMPNBlueprint_status_ ppt Key Words:NRMT, LUP, NEPA, Management Plan, Modernization Blueprint Architecture Area: File Code(s): Subject Function Code(s): SRM Contract #: NBD Task Number: 4 Document description: Management Planning and NEPA status briefing materials for IT Summit meeting in Sparks on Nov. 15 th – 17 th Revision History Document Abstract