and what it means to you Provided to you by a generous grant from the Marshall MBA students Michael Boschma Michael Huang Chris Jhawar Siddarth Sethi Su Viswanathan
About RosettaNet or What to say in an interview What is it ? A self-funded, non-profit organization comprising of a consortium of major Information Technology, Electronic Components and Semiconductor Manufacturing companies Purpose: To create and implement industry-wide e-business process standards. Why ? These standards form a common e- business language, aligning processes between supply chain partners on a global basis. No one controls it!
RosettaNet’s Mission by Reader’s Digest The Lofty Mission statement: To harness the global and pervasive reach of the Internet by defining and leading the implementation of open and common electronic processes between partners in the Information Technology Supply Chain. Boiled Down Version: Let all buyers and suppliers speak the same language through the Web!
RosettaNet has Big-Business’ Attention Intended Market: Companies Involved in the Information Technology (IT) Products supply chain and those in the Electronic Component (EC) supply chain. Some Noted Participants: - Avnet, Lucent, Phillips, National Semiconductor - Arrow Electronics, Marshall Industries - Intel, CompUSA, Compaq, Lucent Technologies - Hewlett Packard, Hilton Hotels - Soft Bank, Quantum, Cisco, Tech Data - FedEx and United Parcel Service, Dell - SAP, 3Com, Vitria, webMethods, etc.,etc.,etc.
RosettaNet’s Foundation Technical and business dictionaries - A common platform of business terminology. Eliminate the overlapping efforts by individual businesses. These dictionaries form the basis for the implementation of Partner Interface Processes (PIPs). RosettaNet’s Implementation Framework - (RNIF) defines the RosettaNet object and specifies how it is transported between trading partners. It provides common exchange protocols using HTML/XML as its “alphabet” in order to communicate.
RosettaNet’s Foundation Partner Interface Process (PIP) guidelines: PIPs are open and common e-business XML- based processes. They comprise both human- readable and machine-readable specifications that monitor compliance of partner e-business implementations and applications. Their Purpose: PIPs delineate how certain business processes, such as price changes, ordering, returns, new product introductions and catalog updates, are handled via XML. Supply chain partners will have networked applications that work collaboratively.
RosettaNet’s e-Business Model has 5 Parts 1) Partner Interface Process (PIP) guidelines are new or existing business frameworks that define how computer systems work together. 2) These guidelines are provided to companies wishing to follow RosettaNet’s specifications. 3) These guidelines are used to validate information exchanged between companies. 4) Companies may extend guidelines, but cannot override those set by RosettaNet. 5) Extended guidelines may be shared by partners. * RosettaNet will share all guidelines and translations in machine-readable documents.
The RosettaNet e-Business Model
How to Make a PIP 1) Determine present “as-is” business process. - Understand present business process between organization and supplier. 2) Create “to-be” business procedure. - Create new model including partners in supply chain. 3) Create “PIP blueprint.” - Understand and define how agents collaborate. 4) Use PIP blueprint making PIP specification. - Create PIP specifications from PIP blueprints using Action, Transaction and Process specifications.
RosettaNet hopes to supplant EDI - RosettaNet is coming up with an EDI-like method of exchange based on XML," says Norbert Mikula, chief technology officer at OASIS. "It’s an important step in the whole standards process.” -"This is taking us past EDI, which tends to be a series of small transactions handled in a batch process," said David Westmoreland, CIO of Arrow Electronics. "What we're doing with RosettaNet covers the whole purchasing process, and it's happening in real time."
Extending the Protocol Stack
RosettaNet PIPS use XML - The PIPs are just (XML) processes, and they will need to be used in conjunction with either Document Type Definitions (DTD) or more complex XML schemas - A PIP business message is MIME-based and contains: 1) The Message Preamble - Specified with a DTD that is common across all messages. 2) The Message Header - Specified with a DTD that is common across all messages. 3) The Message Content - Specified in individual PIPs. Each PIP has one or more actions described by DTDs or schema.
RosettaNet Service Message - RosettaNet transmits a message as an “object” with the following structure: Preamble - tells if the following message is valid Service Header - Process Header - the RosettaNet code Transaction Header - transaction codes about the PH Action Header - info about action code Service Content - the business message itself Action Content - the action to take - The message is encapsulated using the HTTP form or CGI. Lower layers in the OSI then take it to the physical layer for transmitting.
Common Message DTDs - Incoming messages will go through four validation steps: 1) Grammar Validation - Checked against message header DTD. 2) Sequence Validation - Checked against message header DTD. 3) Schema Validation - Checked against message content DTD. 4) Content Validation - Checked against message content DTD.
More RosettaNet XML Details - Message format is RTF and HTML for human readable format. - Message format will be XML DTDs and W3C’s XML Schema when finalized. - Each message will have a vocabulary from RosettaNet’s dictionaries. Thus everyone will agree on a message format. - RosettaNet is working to develop recommendations for member Trading Partner Agreements.
RosettaNet Security - RosettaNet uses the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Protocol. - Authentication between partners may also be based on the exchange of valid certificates using digital signatures. These signatures are associated with the organizations themselves and not individuals.
- Provides a common language for customers and vendors. - will ultimately make the supply chain much more efficient and facilitate global e-commerce transactions between closely aligned business partners.