A Home for Everyone: A Call To End Homelessness In Washtenaw County
Alpha House is Established In March, 2001, with great help from Saint Joseph Mercy Health System and the community, Alpha House was established. It provides emergency shelter for up to 8 families. Alpha House pic needed Phase I
The Robert J. Delonis Center is Established. Through the generosity and commitment of our community, the Robert J. Delonis Center opened in November, Robert J. Delonis Center 312 West Huron Ann Arbor Michigan Phase II
The Delonis Center offers people ‘more than a roof’ …every hour of every day. 300 meals are served every day. More than 100 people receive onsite health care every month. 8 groups meet every week for recovery support. Onsite employment services 20 hours each week.
‘Housing First’ works. Emergency shelter services MUST be paired with affordable housing to be effective. Phase III
“Let me be clear on three points I believe strongly: We cannot and will not ignore people who are homeless in this County; We can and will have affordable housing, and the services needed to keep people in housing; We will never succeed in eliminating homelessness without genuine private and public collaboration.” Bob Guenzel County Administrator Delonis Center Opening November 19, 2003
The Washtenaw Housing Alliance has been charged to engage the community to develop a Blueprint to End Homelessness. Toward that end, Washtenaw County has been joined by the cities of Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti in convening a Community Forum, September 21, 2004.
County Commitment Throughout the System of Care PORT- Outreach to people who are homeless and mentally ill ETCS - Homeless employment specialist on site at the Delonis Center CSTS/Avalon Housing/Catholic Social Services – partnership providing supportive services to those housed with Avalon Veteran’s Services – outreach to veterans who are homeless Public Health/WCHO/PORT – Health Care for the Homeless grant application with Delonis Center and others Washtenaw Health Plan – enrolling people at Delonis Center County Planning – Homeless Mgt. Information System and analysis of homeless statistics.
Washtenaw Housing Alliance Member Agencies Avalon Housing Catholic Social Services Food Gatherers Interfaith Hospitality Network Ozone House SAFE House Shelter Association of Washtenaw County SOS Community Services St. Joseph Mercy Health System Synod Residential Services
Finding affordable housing for people who are homeless? A nearly impossible task. Every existing shelter in Washtenaw County had to turn away people seeking shelter this past winter. There are over 2,500 people on waiting lists for affordable housing. People requesting affordable housing vouchers have an average wait of 28 months.
The number of people in need is increasing and resources are decreasing. On more than 125 days in 2003, people seeking treatment for drug and alcohol addictions had to be turned away for lack of dollars. If the 2005 proposed federal budget passes, Washtenaw County will lose 162 vouchers, a decrease of 12%.
What do we know about the people who are homeless in Washtenaw County? On a single night, March 18, 2004, 665 persons were without homes. This includes 110 children and 27 unaccompanied youth. 26% were families.
What do we know about the people who are homeless in Washtenaw County? From that count, we can estimate that: On an annual basis, more than 2,756 people are homeless in Washtenaw County. Every week approximately 41 more people become homeless.
What do we know about the people who are homeless in Washtenaw County? 53% are experiencing homeless for the first time in the last 3 years.
What do we know about the people who are homeless in Washtenaw County? In 2003 alone, our youth shelter agency served more than 250 teens, ages
What do we know about the people who are homeless in Washtenaw County? In extended interviews with 371 people who were homeless in our community… 35% were employed. The average income was $9,500 a year. This total annual income does not cover the annual cost of rent for a 2 bedroom apartment in Washtenaw County. 9,500 9,780
We have learned some startling facts: One year of homelessness costs a community over $40,000 for someone with a mental illness. For the same person, affordable housing WITH supportive services costs less than $25,000.
The human cost is immeasurable.
A plan is emerging, a plan of action…
prevention eviction and foreclosure. Keep people housed through prevention of eviction and foreclosure. permanently affordable housing Increase the stock of permanently affordable housing. funding for supportive services to keep people housed Secure reliable funding for supportive services to keep people housed.
Ensure needed services for families and youth who are homeless. Meet the needs for housing and treatment for people with drug and alcohol addictions or co-occurring illnesses.
Increase education and employment optionsIncrease education and employment and employment options through options through private sector partnerships private sector partnerships and not for profit and nonprofit enterprises.
Ensure quality and improve outcomes through data collection and evaluation, service coordination, common standards and shared learning. Engage the whole community, communicate needs and demonstrate progress.
How Can You Help? Offer us feedback today Involve your friends, neighbors, professional, religious and service groups in this plan of action. Attend the September 21 Community Forum to join with us to adopt the plan.