Assessment Literacy Series -Module 5- Operational Forms and Guides IMT Orientation Draft 02Sept11-CS
Objectives Participants will: Construct operational forms (performance measures) from developed items by: Organizing and sequencing items/tasks Constructing form Assigning item tags Aligning to the Test Specifications & Blueprint Develop teacher guidelines to administer the performance measure.
Helpful Tools Participants may wish to reference the following: Guides Handout #8 – Operational Form Example Handout #9 – Administrative Guidelines Example Templates Template #5 – Operational Form Template #6 – Administrative Guidelines Other “Stuff” Performance Task Framework-Full
Outline of Module 5 Module 5: Operational Forms & Administrative Guidelines Operational Forms Process Steps Administrative Guidelines
Operational Forms [Handout #8]
Operational Forms All developed items will now be inserted into the proper format: the Operational Form. Operational Forms contain the following components: Cover page Student information section Test-taker instructions Item directions Items/Tasks Answer options/response area Item tags
Operational Forms (cont.) An operational form is the actual performance measure that will be given to the student. The “forms” displays the sequence of items/passages/prompts the test-taker is to engage and respond to during the testing period.
Operational Forms (cont.) Test Specifications & Blueprint should be the same for the pre-test and the post-test. Some complex measures, the “operational form”, may be a single prompt or task. All items must have an item tag. Consider the necessity for charts, graphs, images, figures, etc. Avoid creating a “queuing” or sequence bias among items/tasks.
Process Steps [Template #5] Complete the cover design and demographic information necessary to reflect the performance measure developed and the context by which it will be used. Organize the items/tasks in a sequence that will maximize student engagement. Add directions to the test-taker instructions detailing the requirements for different types of items/tasks, especially for CR items/tasks. Add item tags. Screen and refine draft form to minimize “blank space”, verify picture, graph, table, and figure placement in relationship to the item/task, and ensure MC answer options do not drift from one page to the next.
QA Checklist Directions state what to do, where and how to respond, and the point value for items/tasks. Items/tasks on the operational form reflect the blueprint. Form layout minimizes “white space”, “crowding of items”, and distance from stem to response options/placement. Forms are free from unclear, small, or unnecessary images, figures, charts, or graphs.
Administrative Guidelines [Handout #9]
Administrative Guidelines Administrative Guidelines are composed of three phases: Preparing for Test Administration Conducting Test Administration Post Administration
Administrative Guidelines (cont.) Preparing for Test Administration Establish the testing window. Specify what forms are needed. Review administration steps and student directions. Review the performance measures before administration. Establish a secure testing environment. Determine the process for make-up tests.
Administrative Guidelines (cont.) Conducting Test Administration Give directions for how to distribute forms. If possible, provide a script for the test administrator to use during administration. Provide directions for start/stop times, completing student information, and beginning and ending the testing session.
Administrative Guidelines (cont.) Post Administration Provide instructions for collecting and securing forms. Provide scoring instructions. Include how results are reported. Determine overall score and/or performance status (e.g., met minimum status).
Administrative Guidelines (cont.) Administrative guidelines must provide sufficient detail so that testing conditions are comparable between classrooms and across different schools. Activities within the testing environment (before, during, and after) must be articulated in a logical sequence. Test security and handling of scored materials must be outlined.
Process Steps Use the Administrative Guidelines Template to create administrative steps for before, during, and after the test. Explain any requirements or equipment necessary, including accommodations. State any ancillary materials (e.g., calculators) needed/allowed by the test-taker. Identify the approximate time needed to take the test. Include detailed “scripts” articulating exactly what is to be communicated to the test-takers, with particular emphasis on performance tasks. Include procedures for scoring, make-up tests, and handling completed tests.
QA Checklist Guidelines explain administrative steps before, during, and after testing. Requirements for completing the performance measure items/tasks, including conditions, equipment, and material, are included. Approximate time needed to complete the overall performance measure is provided. Detailed “scripts” articulate the information to be communicated in a standardized manner.
Summary Module 5: Operational Forms & Administrative Guidelines Created operational forms (which reflected the developed blueprint) in conjunction with test administration guidelines. Next Steps Module 6: Form Reviews Given the operational form, scoring key, and administrative guidelines, evaluate the quality of the materials, with particular emphasis on items/tasks within the performance measure.