Federal Policy Update Alisha Hyslop Assistant Director of Public Policy Association for Career & Technical Education
Overview Budget and Appropriations Elementary and Secondary Education Act Workforce Investment Act Data Quality Issues Perkins
Budget and Appropriations
Budget Timeline February – President releases budget request March/April – House and Senate work to complete budget resolutions by April 15 May-July – Appropriations committees set discretionary funding levels September – Final appropriations bills passed and signed by President October 1 – beginning of federal fiscal year
FY 2012 Budget Level funding for Perkins based on last year’s level ($1.1 billion).189 % cut to all education, workforce, labor and health programs Additional 1.5% cut to “advance appropriations” was restored Total education cut by $233 million Most workforce programs level-funded
FY 2013 President’s Budget $1.1 billion level funding for Perkins! $1 billion new career academies initiative $8 billion Community College to Career Fund – $4 billion to Department of Education – $4 billion to Department of Labor $1.047 trillion budget cap translates to $4 billion increase for all discretionary programs
FY 2013 House (Ryan) Budget Cuts overall spending by $5.3 trillion over 10 years Sets spending cap at $1.028 trillion, $19 billion below the $1.047 trillion spending cap agreed to in the August 2011 debt limit deal A $9.5 billion cut below the current baseline for Labor- Health and Human Services and Education Some Republicans don’t think the bill goes far enough Not binding, but sets the budget limits that appropriators can spend
FY 2013 Senate Budget The Budget Committee marked up a version of the Simpson-Bowles Commission debt reduction plan Proposal will see little action, no votes are expected on this resolution in either the budget committee or on the Senate floor The Senate is using the spending cap from debt limit deal at $1.047 trillion Five other budget bills to see votes today
House and Senate Appropriations Labor-Health and Human Services and Education allocations are $157 billion in the Senate and $150 in the House The $7 billion difference between House and Senate will cause problems for appropriators Subcommittees will produce appropriations bills in the coming months June markup expected in Senate; July in House
FY 2013 President’s Budget
Looming Threat: Sequestration Perhaps single biggest policy challenge on horizon Estimated 7-10% cuts to every domestic discretionary program $98 billion in cuts will go into effect January 2013 without congressional action
Education Department Funding 12 In billions
Lame Duck Session Finish appropriations bills Address sequestration Raise the debt ceiling Address expiration of Bush tax cuts
Authorizing Legislation
Pending Authorizing Legislation Workforce Investment Act (2003) Elementary and Secondary Education Act (2007) Institute for Education Sciences (2009) Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (2012) Higher Education Act (2013?) Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act (2013)
ESEA Reauthorization “No Child Left Behind” Originally due to be reauthorized in 2007 House and Senate bills remain far apart, conceptually Congress unlikely to complete work on the bill this year Administration ESEA waiver authority an influencing factor
H.R House “Student Success Act” Eliminates Adequate Yearly Progress and replaced it with state-determined accountability Requires states to develop academic ELA and mathematics standards Removes Highly Qualified Teacher requirements
H.R House “Encouraging Innovation and Effective Teachers Act” Includes requirements for locally-developed teacher evaluations Requires states and school districts to develop teacher evaluation systems that measure an educator’s influence on student learning Support opportunities for parents to enroll their children in local magnet and charter schools Consolidate a myriad of existing K-12 programs
Education for Tomorrow’s Jobs Act ACTE has worked with Alliance for Excellent Education in support Would allow ESEA Title I funds to be used for academic CTE integration (with certain requirements) Sen. Casey (D-PA) and Rep. Thompson (R-PA) sponsors (S. 1686, H.R. 3154)
Senate Republican Bills Elementary and Secondary Education Amendments Act (S. 1571) Teacher and Principal Improvement Act (S. 1567) Empowering Local Education Decision-Making Act (S. 1569) Empowering Parents Through Quality Charter Schools Act (S. 1566)
Senate Reauthorization Bill Eliminates AYP Focuses on identifying Achievement Gap Schools and Lowest Achieving Gap Schools (lowest performing 5%) Career Academies are an option that can be used to turnaround a school Authorizes Race to the Top Includes new focus on secondary schools
Missing ESEA Pieces Good changes include growth model, accountability relief, secondary schools focus College and career readiness equated to be transition to college with no remediation No focus on comprehensive guidance and career development
WIA Reauthorization Originally scheduled for reauthorization in 2003 House Democrats and Republicans have both released new legislation this spring Senate action has stalled Generally speaking, everyone agrees the law needs updating…but disagreement on how to update it 25
WIA House Republican Bill H.R.4297 – Workforce Investment Improvement Act Combines current WIA funding streams into a single Workforce Investment Fund Options for further consolidation Increases the role of employers on WIBs Establishes common accountability Eliminates Sequence of Services provisions Perkins was originally included as consolidation option, but has been removed 26
WIA House Democrat Bill H.R – Workforce Investment Act Supports adult career pathways and sector strategies Includes President Obama’s “Community College to Career Fund” Establishes common accountability Eliminates Sequence of Services provisions 27
WIA Senate Action Bipartisan discussion draft was released in summer 2011 but only two Republican senators signed on Markup of the legislation never materialized Progress has stalled 28
Data Quality Issues New Workforce Data Quality Campaign NCES CEDS Workforce Taskforce OVAE State Perkins Accountability Congress
Administration’s Perkins Blueprint
Perkins Blueprint Released on April 19 at an Iowa Community College Titled “Investing in America's Future: A Blueprint for Transforming Career and Technical Education” Four key themes: -Alignment- Accountability -Collaboration- Innovation
Perkins Blueprint 10% of total set-aside for innovation fund States would have to secure private-sector match & meet certain conditions 5% of the state total for admin funding and 15% for leadership activities States would “identify in-demand occupations in high-growth industry sectors”
Perkins Blueprint States would run competitions for funding these areas Only consortia of LEAs and postsecondary institutions and their partners would be allowed to apply Grants awarded for entire period of law Consortia must use common measures Performance-based funding would be awarded to high-performing consortia
Perkins Blueprint Concerns arise with specific details of theme implementation: – Competitive grants – Mandatory secondary-postsecondary consortia – Funding limited to high-growth career areas identified at state level – State grant funding redirected to national Innovation Fund – Private sector match – State conditions to receive funding
Perkins Blueprint ACTE Response – Numerous conversations with OVAE before Blueprint release discussing concerns – OVAE listening session during NPS – Press statement expressing concerns after Blueprint release and follow-up interviews with press – Information distribution to state leaders and members – Organization of call with other key education and workforce groups to discuss common concerns – Meetings with key Members of Congress to discuss concerns and counter positive statements
ACTE Perkins Guiding Principles 1.Redefine the Federal Role in CTE 2.Target Expenditures 3.Define Program Quality Elements 4.Ensure Relevant & Consistent Data 5.Offer Incentives for Innovation 6.Provide the Infrastructure to Support the System
Perkins Next Steps Blueprint is only a proposal – many steps before law is reauthorized Congress not likely to discuss Perkins at all before 2013, final reauthorization not likely for several years ACTE in the process of developing detailed recommendations to flesh out principles
38 Contact Info Association for Career and Technical Education 1410 King Street Alexandria, VA
Perkins Discussion Session
Accountability Measures High school graduation Transition to postsecondary (with and without remediation) Attainment of an industry-recognized credential or licensure Attainment of a postsecondary certificate or degree Rates of employment and earnings Participation of special populations in CTE