OBJECTIVES: 1.To understand the effectiveness of teaching learning 2.To check the level of understanding of students. 3.Assessment for identifying the weak areas of students and adopt suitable remediation measures for the same. 4.To award JUDICIOUS grades to students in various competencies
PREPARATORY ACTIVITIES FOR THE STUDENTS Ensure that 1.The syllabus is completed. 2.Some quality revision is carried out 3.Discuss the pattern of question paper and the weightage allotted to each competency especially in classes 4 & 5 PARALLEL TEACHERS: The parallel teachers must be consulted before setting the paper for ascertaining the lessons and the areas of testing. All the test items should be shown to the parallel teachers and not just the type of question paper. PLANNING FOR THE QUESTION PAPER- A lesson wise blueprint should be prepared and submitted along with the question paper to avoid repetition of questions and testing of all areas. Main ELOs should be analysed for testing and questions framed on that
PERIODICITY / TIME SCHEDULING THERE ARE FOUR PEN PAPER TESTS IN AN ACADEMIC YEAR- TWO IN EACH TERM TEST SCHEDULE FA 1JULY SA1SEPTEMBER FA3DEC./JAN SA2MARCH TIP: 1. A minimum of TWO sets of question papers should be set for each test. 2.The HM/ Exam in charge may select a suitable one. The other one can be used for re-tests and in any other value added manner.
TYPOGRAPHY DETAILS: 1.Use only one font throughout- Times New Roman/ Calibri 2.Font Size- For the Main questions / Headings For the rest In case of Hindi, use Unicode font Mangal, preferably. 5.Use only 1.5 /double spacing 6.Leave sufficient space for answers/ diagrams etc 7.There should be no spelling mistakes in the Question paper. 8.The pictures in the question paper should have well-defined outlines.
FORMAT- heading of the question paper KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA _________________________________ Year___________ FORMATIVE /SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT_____ CLASS & Sec: Subject:__________ Date: ___________ Competencies EVALUATOR Name of the Student: ______________________ NOTE: QUESTIONS SHOULD BE ORGANISED UNDER COMPETENCY HEADS/ OR SECTIONS CLEARLY
QUALITY & LENGTH OF THE QUESTION PAPER A QUESTION PAPER SHOULD BE IDEALLY ONLY 4 PAGES LONG ( 2 Sheets of paper back to back) 1.Keep the ELOs in mind while setting question papers. 2.Set the paper in such a way that the average students can attempt the paper effortlessly. 3.Paper should neither be too difficult nor too easy for the students to answer. 4.Set the paper as per KVS norms. Do not deviate. 5.Do not allot ½ or ¼ marks to any of the VSA type questions. 6.Let the language be child friendly. 7.Most questions could be open ended and a variety of answers can be expected from the students. 8.The question papers should provide opportunities to the students to utilize their competence rather than their content knowledge. 9. Marks allotted for each question should not be shown in the question paper. 10. The question paper must have illustrations
VALIDATION 1.Question papers must be submitted to the exam dept with the signature of all the parallel teachers. They must be supplemented with the blueprint and a precise scoring guide. For questions t which can have more than one answer, a small note may be added. 2.The Subject Convenors should check the paper and sign it too 3.The Subject Convenors and Head of the Primary are responsible for the quality and standard of the paper in all respects
GRADING & CROSS CHECKING 1. Random checking of ten papers in a bundle by the HM/ Sr. PRT for FA 1, 3 & SA2 papers 2. Complete checking of all transcripts of SA2 papers by checkers assigned by the Exam Dept and random checking by the HM 1.All papers of SA2 need to be checked because the papers are not given to the children
RECORDING ….REPORTING…. ARCHIVING /FILING RECORDING- All the marks are to be directly fed into the software preferred by the Vidyalaya REPORTING- The test papers of FA1 & 3 are to be sent home, signed by the parent and filed in the Worksheet folders. The SA1 papers have to be shown to the parents in a PTA, validated and taken back. ARCHIVING The test papers of SA1 & 2 are to be retained with the Exam Dept. FILING- The print outs of all pen paper tests should be filed by the Subject & Class Teacher and also the Exam Dept. or take print outs as per the Assessment Plan drawn by the Vidyalaya.
POST TEST ANALYSIS- FEEDBACK FOR THE STUDENTS- ( for Self Appraisal) 1.Suitable follow up work 2.The teachers should guide the students to analyse their strong and weak areas while returning the corrected answer scripts and have an informal discussion with them as to how the weaknesses can be addressed. 3.The students can be asked to write a brief goal statement for themselves FOR THE TEACHER (to improvise instructional strategies) 1.understand the effectiveness of teaching learning 2. understand and bridge the gap in communication between the teacher and the taught. 3. identifying the weak areas of students and adopt suitable remediation measures for the same FOR PARENTS - working together to help the child (children)
IMPORTANT 1.No repetition of questions within a question paper and from test paper to test paper. The area tested can be the same but the question must be framed differently 2.If questions from the previous year paper are being sourced they need to be reframed suitably 3.Seating arrangement- Mixed seating can be avoided. It maybe done for SA1&2 if required 4.No marks should be reflected on the paper or informed to children
GROUP 1 MAKE A BLUEPRINT FOR LANGUAGES FOR FA3 CLASS III FA 1 GROUP2 MAKE A BLUEPRINT FOR MATHS FOR CLASS IV FA3 GROUP3 MAKE ABLUEPRINT FOR EVS CLASS V SA2 OTHER GROUPS ANALYSE THE GIVEN QUESTION PAPER AND FIND IF 1.The blueprint is balanced for the underachiever, average and the advanced learners 2.Questions match the blueprint for various competencies 3.Marking scheme is balanced 4.Typography and format is child friendly 5.Language used is child friendly 6.Difficulty level of the question paper is suitable