Typical Daily Class Schedule Warm-Up (Conventions-based)(5-10 minutes) Word Study (Teacher Created- or, SRA, Rewards, etc.) (30-35 minutes) RATA/ Mini-Lesson (15-20 minutes) Work Period (broken into four-five groups) (remainder of period) – Achieve 3000/ Other Supplemental Material – Writing Assignment (based on RATA book/ standards*) – Teengagement Article (includes practicing annotating text, comprehension questions focusing on standards*) – Independent Work (finish article and comprehension questions and writing assignment, plus work on performance task) – Teacher-Led Small Group (discuss each of the assignments students are working on in groups- primarily the standards-based comprehension questions and writing assignment) *standards based on student needs as determined by assessments
Typical Daily Class Schedule Work Period (broken into four-five groups) (remainder of period) Students remain in the same group the rest of the period. They will rotate the next day. Students should rotate in the following manner to ensure they can complete the work before meeting with the teacher. Achieve 3000/ Other Supplemental Material Teacher-Led Small Group Independent Work Teengagement Article Writing Assignment
Individual Pieces of the Typical Daily Class Schedule Warm-Up (Conventions-based)(5-10 minutes) Example: Copy the following statement: I agree with Marianne the quote says. “We were born to make manifest the glory within us.” Now, rewrite the statement using correct grammar and conventions.
Individual Pieces of the Typical Daily Class Schedule Word Study (Teacher Created- or, SRA, Rewards, etc.) (30-35 minutes) Example: (Students practice saying words like those from the article. The teacher finds words with like word-parts to use as the basis for the instruction. This would include 8-10 frames worth of words) Construct Condone Connect Convene Constrict Construct
Individual Pieces of the Typical Daily Class Schedule Word Study (Teacher Created- or, SRA, Rewards, etc.) (30-35 minutes) Example: (Students vocabulary for words from the article. The teacher uses word parts and context clues as the basis for vocabulary instruction.) Vocabulary Con-: With, Together It was difficult for the student to construct a solution to the problem. Construct: (v.) to build or frame mentally
Individual Pieces of the Typical Daily Class Schedule Word Study (Teacher Created- or, SRA, Rewards, etc.) (30-35 minutes) Example: (The teacher and students engage in fluency practice using a piece of the article. The teacher reads the “chunks” of words and the students repeat. The teacher reminds the students that we open our field of vision to see more than one words at a time as is demonstrated by the words that are underlined/ not underlined below.) Fluency A decision made on March 26, 2014, could change the face of college sports. A regional director of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) ruled that Northwestern University football players were employees. This status gives them the legal right to unionize.
Individual Pieces of the Typical Daily Class Schedule Word Study (Teacher Created- or, SRA, Rewards, etc.) (30-35 minutes) Example: (Then, the teacher calls on four or five individual students to read four or five of the first paragraphs of the article. Each student reads one paragraph to the class. The teacher and students discuss any issues in the text that create obstacles for fluency. ) Fluency
Individual Pieces of the Typical Daily Class Schedule Word Study (Teacher Created- or, SRA, Rewards, etc.) (30-35 minutes) Example: (Then, students will pair up and read to each other for two minutes each, recording the number of words read and the number of miscues. ) Fluency
Individual Pieces of the Typical Daily Class Schedule RATA/ Mini-Lesson (15-20 minutes) – The RATA or Mini-Lesson could be based on an anchor novel. The teacher should be modeling strategies that the students will practice during the work period.
Individual Pieces of the Typical Daily Class Schedule Work Period (broken into four-five groups) (remainder of period) Students remain in the same group the rest of the period. They will rotate the next day. – Achieve 3000/ Other Supplemental Material – Writing Assignment (based on RATA book/ standards*) – Teengagement Article (includes practicing annotating text, comprehension questions focusing on standards*) – Independent Work (finish article and comprehension questions and writing assignment, plus work on performance task) – Teacher-Led Small Group (discuss each of the assignments students are working on in groups- primarily the standards-based comprehension questions and writing assignment) *standards based on student needs as determined by assessments
Individual Pieces of the Typical Daily Class Schedule Work Period (broken into four-five groups) (remainder of period) Students remain in the same group the rest of the period. They will rotate the next day. – Achieve 3000/ Other Supplemental Material: Students work on the computer to read articles on their ability levels and answer comprehension questions. *standards based on student needs as determined by assessments
Individual Pieces of the Typical Daily Class Schedule Work Period (broken into four-five groups) (remainder of period) Students remain in the same group the rest of the period. They will rotate the next day. – Writing Assignment (based on RATA book/ standards*) For example: Review chapter one of The Eleventh Plague, then write a paragraph that answers the following question. How has Stephen’s relationship with his grandfather affected the attitude he has toward survival at this point? Use evidence from the text to support your answer. *standards based on student needs as determined by assessments
Individual Pieces of the Typical Daily Class Schedule Work Period (broken into four-five groups) (remainder of period) Students remain in the same group the rest of the period. They will rotate the next day. – Teengagement Article (includes practicing annotating text, comprehension questions focusing on standards*) For example: Read “Pay or Scholarship.” Annotate the text as you read. Write notes in the margins that help to reinforce the concepts presented by the relevant details. Then, begin answering the multiple choice questions. Label the evidence you find in the text with each question number when possible. *standards based on student needs as determined by assessments
Individual Pieces of the Typical Daily Class Schedule Work Period (broken into four-five groups) (remainder of period) Students remain in the same group the rest of the period. They will rotate the next day. – Independent Work (finish article and comprehension questions and writing assignment, plus work on performance task) For example: This “station” provides the student one more period to complete the work so he/she is prepared to have effective conversation with the teacher in the teacher-led small group station. *standards based on student needs as determined by assessments
Individual Pieces of the Typical Daily Class Schedule Work Period (broken into four-five groups) (remainder of period) Students remain in the same group the rest of the period. They will rotate the next day. – Teacher-Led Small Group (discuss each of the assignments students are working on in groups- primarily the standards- based comprehension questions and writing assignment) For example: The teacher must be prepared to speak effectively with the students in regards to the reading and/or the writing assignments. It would be best to choose one or two specific benchmarks to focus on. The teacher could use evidence/ data from any of the stations the students have completed to determine what help must be provided. *standards based on student needs as determined by assessments
Individual Pieces of the Typical Daily Class Schedule Work Period (broken into four-five groups) (remainder of period) Students remain in the same group the rest of the period. They will rotate the next day. Students should rotate in the following manner to ensure they can complete the work before meeting with the teacher. Achieve 3000/ Other Supplemental Material Teacher-Led Small Group Independent Work Teengagement Article Writing Assignment
Typical Daily Class Schedule Warm-Up SRA RATA/ Mini-Lesson Work Period The teacher may choose to take a day to work with the students as a whole class in order to get students caught up and deal with any concerns in regards to the writing skills, reading strategies and benchmarks.