Creating a Blueprint for NCCF Affiliate Success
Why is this work necessary? To achieve greater impact in our local communities and together achieve greater collective impact across the state. Growth and development of each affiliate is critical to success. NCCF able to identify common needs for training and technical assistance among the affiliates. Creating a Blueprint for Affiliate Success
The Road to Today
Futures Committee Conclusions NCCF is committed to providing access to a local community foundation across the state, particularly in our rural communities. This access is primarily provided through the Foundation’s affiliates. The Futures Committee recognizes that the affiliates provide the Foundation with unique strength and opportunity, as well as unique challenges. ©
Futures Committee Conclusions The Committee is committed to the continued growth of the Foundation, and to ensuring its products and services are attractive to, and inclusive of, the changing demographics of the state it serves. The Committee also recognizes that the changing economic and donor climate necessitate a review of the Foundation’s underlying structure and economic model in order to ensure the Foundation is best positioned to deliver on its promise to its constituents. ©
NCCF Affiliate Impact Committee Affiliate Impact Committee Purpose To develop metrics to enable NCCF and its affiliates assess the effectiveness and financial health of NCCF’s affiliates. The “Blueprint for Affiliate Success” is the result of this focus. ©
NCCF Affiliate Impact Committee Work To Date Affiliate “Listening Tours” (September, 2013) Presentation at Affiliate Mtg. (October, 2013) Meeting with Regional Associates (December, 2013) Affiliate Surveys Conducted (Dec, 2013-March, 2014) NCCF Financial Data analyzed Four meetings of the Committee ©
49 affiliate boards participated in survey exercises in all 8 regions. Affiliate Impact Committee very pleased and appreciative with this response! NCCF Affiliate Impact Committee Work to Date
Overall Range of Responses
Red: Median Affiliate Score Green: Affiliate Score
Affiliate Impact Committee strong recommendation - continue on path of continuous board engagement, education, and buy-in with local affiliate boards. Shared the draft Blueprint/questions with 8 affiliates (one per region) and gathered additional feedback. NCCF Affiliate Impact Committee Work to Date
Blueprint Feedback Affiliate boards appreciated the opportunity Provided opportunity for discussion of key issues/roles Provided additional opportunity for board education Helped uncover potential new board leaders Inspired questions about a variety of topics, but particularly around NCCF financial structure ©
NCCF Financial Data Analysis © Revenues Summary Admin Fees 2,000,000 NCCF Endowment 670,000 Other 80,000 Total Revenues 2,750,000
NCCF Financial Data Analysis © NCCF Activities and Cost NCCF Major ActivitiesCost Support & Grow Affiliate Boards 850,000 Administration of Grants & Scholarships 610,000 Donor Engagement 410,000 New Fund Development 330,000 Other Service Activities 60,000 Statewide Partnerships 60,000 Administration/Overhead 440,000 Total Annual Cost 2,750,000 Notes: Average Annual Cost Per Affiliate ($2,750,000/60) 46,000 Average Fund Balance in “Family of Funds” Needed to Support Cost 4,200,000
NCCF Financial Data Analysis $2.75M annual budget 73% of revenue comes from fees (within national range of 65%-75%) Operating Endowment provides majority of remaining revenue 9 affiliates are at or above “break even” in fee revenue NCCF needs additional infrastructure investments ©
Helps each affiliate assess where they are with 4 major areas of their work Help affiliates create and track annual goals Help focus the work of the NCCF Regional Associate and NCCF by identifying common needs across the network Creating a Blueprint for Affiliate Success
Benchmark Questions As a Focus of Ongoing Planning Implementation will take time Provides a way to quantify effectiveness and sustainability of affiliate Requires affiliate to take responsibility for its future success Requires NCCF to ensure it uses its resources most effectively/efficiently to ensure affiliate success ©
Key Success Indicators Developing a strong and committed board that is representative of the community it serves Inspiring and promoting local philanthropy to grow assets and the affiliate “Family of Funds” Conducting an effective grantmaking program for greatest impact Demonstrating leadership as a catalyst or convener for pressing community needs ©
What is the plan for moving forward? Share Blueprint at Fall Regional Forums and get feedback Refine benchmark questions Implement Blueprint with questions in January 2015 Creating a Blueprint for Affiliate Success
Our Work Today Spend 5 minutes alone reviewing the document and select the 1 question in each of the 4 major areas that could become the initial “benchmark questions” for your affiliate. Share and record questions from each group, along with rationale as to why each is important. Creating a Blueprint for Affiliate Success