Federal Updates Presented by: Michelle Oliveira, CACTE President Susie Johnson, CACTE Secretary Diane Walker, CACTE President Elect
FY 2013 President’s Budget $1.1 billion level funding for Perkins! $1 billion new career academies initiative $8 billion Community College to Career Fund - $4 billion to Department of Education - $4 billion to Department of Labor $1.047 trillion budget cap translates to $4 billion increase for all discretionary programs
House and Senate Appropriations Total Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education allocations are $157 billion in the Senate and $150 in the House Senate Appropriations Committee passed Labor-HHS-ED bill in June that provides level-funding for Perkins The House Appropriations Subcommittee also passed Labor-HHS-ED bill that provides level-funding for Perkins...but full Appropriations Committee did not vote on the bill The House and Senate were able to complete their FY 2013 appropriations work before the October 1 deadline Congress passed a six-month Continuing Resolution (CR) in September that will keep federal funding, including Perkins, at current levels until March 27
Looming Threat: Sequestration Perhaps single biggest policy challenge on horizon Estimated 8.2% automatic, across-the-board cuts to defense and non-defense discretionary programs $4 billion reduction to education programs overall $92 million cut in funding for Perkins CTE Act in FY 2013 alone
Lame Duck Session Address sequestration Possibly raise the debt ceiling Address expiration of Bush tax cuts
Pending Authorizing Legislation Workforce Investment Act (2003) Elementary and Secondary Education Act (2007) Institute for Education Sciences (2009) Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (2012) Higher Education Act (2013) Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act (2013)
Perkins Reauthorization
Administration’s Perkins Blueprint Released on April 19 at Des Moines Area Community College Titled “Investing in America's Future: A Blueprint for Transforming Career and Technical Education” Four key themes: ‐ Alignment ‐ Accountability ‐ Collaboration ‐ Innovation
Administration’s Perkins Blueprint Concerns arise with specific details of theme implementation: – Competitive grants – Mandatory secondary‐postsecondary consortia – Funding limited to high‐growth career areas identified at state level – State grant funding redirected to national Innovation Fund – Private sector match – State conditions to receive funding
ACTE Perkins Guiding Principles 1.Redefine the Federal Role in CTE 2. Target Expenditures 3. Define Program Quality Elements 4. Ensure Relevant & Consistent Data 5. Offer Incentives for Innovation 6. Provide the Infrastructure to Support the System
Perkins Next Steps Blueprint is only a proposal – many steps before law is reauthorized Congress not likely to discuss Perkins at all before 2013, final reauthorization not likely for several years ACTE in the process of developing detailed recommendations to flesh out principles
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