orientdesign What is a brand?
orientdesign What is brand 5,000 ago Marking livestock with burning irons. Letters Numbers Figures
orientdesign Early day brand mark 早期的品牌标记
orientdesign Can you spot the logos? What led to the brand recall? Question
orientdesign Solution
orientdesign It’s not just a logo. It’s not just advertising. It’s not just a name. It’s not just about quality. What a brand isn’t
orientdesign The definition of “brand” has evolved with technological advancements and new media. Its impact has created a larger pair of shoes for businesses to fill in order to leave a lasting impression. “Brand” has evolved
orientdesign B2B Business to Business B2C Business to Consumer Smaller, nicheTarget marketLarger MultiplePurchaser(s)Single Multiple stepBuying processSingle step LongerSales cycleShorter Relationship and detailed information Sales driverRecognition and repetition Understanding and differentiating B2B and B2C
orientdesign Products Systems Services Processes Your company Competitors Products Systems Services Processes Technology allows replication of various elements. Consumerism has driven the market into one that is manufacturing-for-obsolescent. All the more a brand becomes a valuable intangible asset. Easy replication methods can jeopardize your company
orientdesign If you haven’t developed a B2B or B2C brand… Rather than innovate and develop its own technology and a unique Samsung style for its smartphone products and computer tablets, Samsung chose to copy Apple’s technology, user interface and innovative style in these infringing products. (But we are) the world's largest supplier of flash memory to tablets and smartphones!* (We) manufacture the A4 and A5 processors that go into the iPad and iPad 2! *Bloomberg Businessweek, March 10, Case study – Apple vs Samsung
orientdesign … and settled for only a contract manufacturing relationship, you have to tolerate the abuses… Don’t be a whipping boy
orientdesign Benefits of a strong brand The visible benefits a strong brand are more than just gaining trust and reputation. It also gives you the ability to; - command a premium price - develop more stable demand - establish barriers to entry - leverage brand equity when introducing new products - incur lower sales conversion costs - obtain more favourable supplier terms - generate lower staff acquisition and retention costs - secure capital at a lower cost
orientdesign Brand CEO’s Vision Innovation Business Strategy Mgt & Co. Structure Pieces of the puzzle Delivery Customer Experience Customer Segmentation Company Mission Brand Architecture Employee Relations Corporate Values Culture Communications Brand Blueprint
orientdesign Where to start?
orientdesign 1 Brand audit 2 Brand explorer 3 Brand validation 4 Brand blueprint 5 Brand into action Research/analysis & Understanding Using research and analysis of information to understand the brand relative to its landscape as it stands today. Development Using the brand understanding from Phase 1 to develop future positioning possibilities. Exploration Exploring alternative brand positioning with consumers and other stakeholders for the purpose of fine tuning and decision making. Finalization & Delivery The deliverable also includes a framework to align internal and external activities to the brand blueprint, inclusive of rationale. Implementation & Monitoring This includes the internal alignment of the brand blueprint to the organization, as well as fine tuning or redevelopment of external expressions, including visual brand identity and communications. Strategy-centric brand development methodology
orientdesign 1 Brand audit Research/analysis & Understanding Using research and analysis of information to understand the brand relative to its landscape as it stands today. Brand audit – To conduct internal and external analysis
orientdesign Organization audit – Organization chart
orientdesign 2 Brand explorer Development Using the brand understanding from Phase 1 to develop future positioning possibilities. Brand explorer – Market landscape based on comparison Quality Scale Technology/ R & D Team composition
orientdesign 3 Brand validation Exploration Exploring alternative brand positioning with consumers and other stakeholders for the purpose of fine tuning and decision making. Brand validation – Seek to identify the gap Present internal perception Positioning Present external reality Positioning Future desired Positioning Identify the gap
orientdesign 4 Brand blueprint Finalization & Delivery The deliverable also includes a framework to align internal and external activities to the brand blueprint, inclusive of rationale. Brand blueprint – 7 key elements 7 key elements Core brand values Core brand attributes Core brand benefits Core brand personality traits Company vision statement Company mission statement Positioning statement Brand proposition
orientdesign 5 Brand into action Implementation & Monitoring This includes the internal alignment of the brand blueprint to the organization, as well as fine tuning or redevelopment of external expressions, including visual brand identity and communications. Branding-advertising construct Branding Brand blueprint - Brand positioning - Core brand benefits - Core brand values - Brand personality - Brand attributes - Company vision - Company mission Fixed Advertising Communications strategy Brand promise emerges From the confluence of the 3 elements below; - Brand blueprint - Consumer insights - Local market circumstances and opportunities Dynamic External expressions/ Creative execution Brand identity guide - Corporate identity (brand name, logo, colour, typeface, signage) - Packaging design - Literature/ collaterals design - Graphic standards manual - Corporate video - Website development and design - Customer experience - Brand architecture - External briefing session (advertising, promotions, public relations)
orientdesign Branding experience Internal External
orientdesign The brand-centric company model People
orientdesign Running a successful business Strategic Business Objectives CEO Vision Company Mission Operations and Organizational Structure and Core Values Employees deliver - Values - Trust - Confidence - Customer Relationship - Attributes - Features - Service Company/ Product Brand Image Brand Proposition Benefits
orientdesign Benefits of a strong brand The visible benefits a strong brand are more than just gaining trust and reputation. It also gives you the ability to; - command a premium price - develop more stable demand - establish barriers to entry - leverage brand equity when introducing new products - incur lower sales conversion costs - obtain more favourable supplier terms - generate lower staff acquisition and retention costs - secure capital at a lower cost
orientdesign Satisfied customers will communicate your value, thereby reinforcing your brand equity. Mutual gratification
orientdesign Process of branding 品牌建立的过程 Brand Research Brand Strategy Brand Identity Brand Touchpoint
orientdesign Process of branding Brand Research Brand Strategy Brand Identity Brand Touchpoint Culture Market Product Pricing Distribution Services Strategy Competition Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Value Differentiation Competitive Strategy Key messages Concept Brand Logo Packaging Trade show Sign board Website Advertising Brochure Direct mail Bill board Experiences Employees Services Publications